God has made us for himself and our response in love to him gives meaning to our Christian lives. Let us ask him to open his grace to the world so that everyone may come to know and serve him.
Let us pray for the Church: may she always give praise to her Lord in a world of false gods and misguided principles. May her members bear witness to the values in life that really are most important. Lord hear us.
We pray for the leaders of government: may they never claim for themselves the honour due to God alone. May they, by their laws and attitudes, show to those they lead, that there is a higher order in life. Lord hear us.
For those caught up in a world of drugs, greed, violence and unkindness: may they learn to look again at the values they follow. In seeing the error of their ways, may they turn their hearts to God our Father. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for a greater spirit of holiness in our community: may we respond with generosity to God’s love and strive to give him due glory and honour in all we say and do. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, as we say: Hail Mary … etc.
We make our own prayers in silence to God our Father, who hears our every prayer.
Father, you are our beginning and our end. May our every prayer give you praise and glory. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B