Church Groups at Holy Cross
The behind the scene teams that keep our church at its best
Church Cleaners
We have a small team of volunteers who clean the church, social room, sacristy and entrance areas on a regular basis. We usually work in teams of two or three for two weeks at a time and there’s a list of cleaning tasks for the teams to work from. We have five teams at the moment and each team organises themselves to clean during their fortnight. The aim is to make sure the church is ready for weekend masses. We also hold several cleaning sessions throughout the year and parishioners are invited to help out during a deep clean week
Please contact Elaine Godfrey via the Parish Office if you would like to help or for more information.

Flower Arrangers
We are a small group who enjoy creating flower arrangements for the Church

Reading rotas for the Mass are published every six months. Readers are expected to prepare their readings, and to arrive early in order to identify themselves to the Priest. We like to involve families in taking the collection and carrying the Offertory gifts. It is possible to join the Offertory rota only, as this can be separate from the reading, although some families may like to do both.
Contact the Parish Office if you would like to read at a mass.