Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)



In a world full of doubt and fear, we turn to the Lord, now, confident in the knowledge that he hears our prayer.  


Let us pray for those whose lives have been torn apart by natural disaster: by earthquake, flood or hurricane, or who suffer because of famine. May we always be alert to the needs of those who suffer. Lord hear us.

May those whose lives are troubled by mental anguish or fear find peace in the comforting presence of Christ. Lord hear us.

May the heads of government understand that the real cause of conflict is hidden fear which distorts truth and makes people distrustful of each other. Lord hear us.

Let us pray for all the members of our parish community who have died: may the Lord welcome them into his kingdom. Lord hear us.

We pray with Mary who served her God faithfully: Hail Mary … etc.

In silence, we make our own petitions to God our Father in whom we place our trust.


Lord, listen to the prayers which we, your people, place before you this day. We bring our needs to you with confidence and with love. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

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