Through the light of faith, we are given a new vision of life. We make our prayers to the Lord asking that this vision may be given to all his people.
Let us pray for those with a prophetic vision in the Church: may they communicate their message in sympathy and love to the rest of the community so that distrust and discord are avoided, and the faith of everyone increased: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray for peace and harmony among governments: may they see beyond their differences to those elements which unite them within the common bond of the human family: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Let us remember those who suffer blindness: may they look to the Lord Jesus, who is the light of life. May he be with them in their darkness and comfort them in their fears for the future: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Let us pray for a deeper faith in the community: may we call on the Lord to help us when we find things in the Church difficult to understand or accept. (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, whose faith knew no bounds: Hail Mary … etc.
We pray in silence for our own intentions to God, our heavenly Father.
God our Father, with eyes of faith and confidence in your mercy, we make our prayers to you, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B