Christmas will soon be with us to remind us that the Lord is very near. Let us ask him, who is the source of our happiness, to bring his light of salvation to a darkened world.
We pray for the Church: may she reveal more fully, by her holiness of life, her message of joyful hope for her members and for the whole world. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for the government of our country: may those who have charge of civil affairs rule with justice and serve with charity so that all may live in harmony and peace. Lord hear us.
For those who are oppressed for their faith: may they experience, during this Advent, an awareness of the Lord’s nearness to them. May this realisation give them the courage to accept their sufferings with patience and love. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for a joyful spirit in the community: may we learn to appreciate the nearness of Christ through his abiding presence in those with whom we come into contact. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, Mother of the Lord, as we say: Hail Mary … etc.
In silence, we pray to God our Father for everything we need.
God our Father, amid the storms of life, you are always close to us and are the source of our happiness. Increase our faith and trust in your abiding presence. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Third Sunday in Advent – Year C