Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)



When Jesus went to Nazareth, he proclaimed the good news of salvation. Let us ask the Father, in the name of his Son, for the grace to fulfil our Christian mission.


Let us pray for those who are oppressed by poverty: may the good news become a reality in their lives:  (pause)  …   Lord hear us.

    We pray for those who are imprisoned by injustice: may the good news bring liberty to their situation:  (pause)  …   Lord hear us.

    Let us pray for teachers of religious education: may they be supported by our prayers as they respond to their special vocation of leading the young people of the community to the knowledge and love of God:  (pause)  …Lord hear us.

    We pray for greater harmony in the community: may we grow in the realisation that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are all parts of one body, the Church, and are meant to work together in harmony:  (pause)  … Lord hear us.

    Let us pray for all who are sick and housebound: May they be comforted by the healing words of the good news:  (pause)  …   Lord hear us.

    We pray with Mary whose task it was to bring up the child Jesus, as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.

    We pray in silence for our own personal needs to God, our loving Father.


    God our Father, as members of one body, we make our prayers in common knowing that you will hear and answer us through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

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