The miracle at Cana was the first of the signs given by Jesus. Mindful of Mary’s words: “Do whatever he tells you:” we now turn to the Lord in prayer.
Let us pray for a spirit of joy in the Church. May she rejoice, even in adversity, ever mindful that her Lord is with her, supporting and strengthening her. Lord hear us.
We pray for those in authority in civic affairs: may they use the gifts given to them by the Spirit for the service of the community, just as Jesus used his gifts at the wedding feast of Cana. Lord hear us.
For those whose marriage is in difficulty: may they turn to Jesus, the special guest at Cana, inviting him into their lives anew so that they may understand and appreciate the true nature of human love. Lord hear us.
Let us pray that we may use our Christian gifts well in the service of others. May we learn to supply their needs, spiritual or material, thereby revealing God’s presence in his Church. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary who asked for the miracle at Cana: as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.
We pray in silence for our own petitions to God our Father, who knows all our needs.
God our Father, just as your Son changed water into wine, help us to transform our words into deeds. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C