Feast of the Epiphany (C)



Today we celebrate the revelation of the Son of God to the whole world. Let us pray that people everywhere will come to recognise his presence in their midst. 


Let us pray for the Church of God: may she reveal ever more fully God’s abiding love for everyone by drawing closer to the person of Christ: (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for the peace and well-being of the world: may all leaders follow the star which leads to true peace and justice:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For those who suffer from lack of direction in their lives: may the manifestation of Christ’s birth point out to them the way forward. May it give them hope in the knowledge that Christ came as a visible sign of God’s love for everyone:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Let us pray for our communities and families: may we welcome Christ into our lives and, like the three wise men, remain for ever pilgrims who keep our eyes firmly fixed on Christ as our guiding star:  (pause) … Lord hear us.

We make our prayer with Mary, Mother of Christ, as we say together:       Hail Mary … etc.

In the presence of our Lord, we make our personal petitions in silence.


God our Father, you revealed your love for us in the person of your Son, Jesus Christ. May we, through our closeness to him, reveal your love to all whose lives we touch. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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