Bidding Prayers Year B


Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Christ calls each of us by name. In this celebration we listen to what he has to say to us, prepared to use in his service the body that he has given us for the glory of God. We say with him “This is my body which is given up for you.” We turn to him in prayer.


We pray for our young people: that they may hear your call more clearly again than their forebears, and carry your message wherever they go. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for your service: that those who discern a vocation may receive courage, wisdom and humility to serve you in love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for Missionaries everywhere: that your good news be taken up in people’s hearts and deeds throughout the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves: that we may have the peace of heart to listen deeply to your message, and the trusting faith to commit ourselves to you. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick, the weak, the elderly and all those who especially need your grace and comfort: that they may receive it abundantly. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We turn to Mary, our Mother, and ask her to join her prayers to ours as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for ouur own special intentions…


God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer and ask him for our needs.


Like Jonah, Christ preaches repentance. He calls us to change our ways. We are not to become engrossed in the world, but to believe in the good news and to live for the kingdom of God. We turn to him in prayer.

We pray for your renewal: that we may be able to take stock of our lives, measure it against your message, and really improve ourselves. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Newcomers to the Church are special people: they took stock, and then they acted. We pray that they may be an inspiration to us all. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for world leaders in this time of crisis: that they have the boldness to be compassionate to the weak and the poor. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for our families: that they may be a conduit of your grace into this busy world, gaining strength from your word, and showing it forth in their upright and caring lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for each of us in times of difficulty: that your grace accompany us through to better and calmer times. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We turn to Mary, our Mother, and ask her to join her prayers to ours as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for our own special intentions…


God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Trustfully we bring all of our needs to God in prayer.


We pray for the Pope and for all who lead the many Christian denominations; that their teaching may always be focused on Christ’s teaching. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for all Christians; that the unity for which Christ prayed may be made real. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who govern; that their actions in solving global problems may be rooted in justice and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for peace; in Israel/Palestine, in the Republic of Congo and in Sri Lanka. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for families; that strengthened by God’s continual blessings they may be sources of love, security and care for all their members. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died; that they may enjoy the vision of the glory of God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We ask Our Lady to help us with her prayers Hail Mary…

Let us pray in silence for our own intentions


Lord hear and grant all these prayers which we make through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Trusting in God’s love for us we bring our needs to Him in prayer.


We pray for the family; may our homes be the nursery of love, care, work, friendship, loyalty and all that is good. Lord, help us to walk with you in humility. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

On this day of prayer for students and teachers we think of the children and teachers in the local primary schools, especially our own parish school, those in The Castle and Marlwood schools, those in our two Bristol based Universities and in the many other places of learning in our area;, may each student be helped to develop all their talents and skills and each teacher find fulfilment in this important profession. Lord, help us to respect one another. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the people of Northern Ireland, that the process of reconciliation does not re-open old wounds. Lord, help us to care for one another. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the lonely and the poor;, that they may have good friends and neighbours to help them through the difficult days of winter. Lord, help us to bring some joy into the lives of others. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for Missionaries as they seek to share the blessings of the Good News with all to whom they preach;, strengthen them in the knowledge that they do your will. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for those who are sick and place them in the care of Our Lady of Lourdes whose Feast Day on Wednesday is the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Hail Mary…

In silence let us bring our own petitions to the Lord.


We thank you Lord for all your blessings and ask you to hear and answer our requests which we make through Jesus Christ, your son. Amen

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Trusting in God’s love and mercy we bring our needs and our concerns to Him in prayer.


We pray for the members of our parish family;, may our ambitions for our young people be rewarded with vocations to the religious life and to the priesthood. Lord raise up holy priests, deacons, brothers and sisters from among us. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for the victims of crime and violent weather, thinking especially of those caught up in the Australian wild fires in the State of Victoria and flooding in the State of Queensland, of those menaced by bad government in Zimbabwe, of those who suffer from domestic violence and of those effected by the credit crunch;, may their sufferings be lessened by the love and kindness of others. Lord help us to live more simply. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those who travel during rush hour on the M4, M5, and A38;, may they be always attentive to road conditions so that they cause no harm to themselves or any other road user. Lord make us more patient and considerate. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those who work in health care;, may they be attentive to developing their healing skills and have a profound and constant respect for life. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those who mourn that they may be comforted by their faith in the Resurrection and the love of friends and family. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Let us ask Our Lady to help us with her prayers, Hail Mary…

In silence let us bring our own petitions to the Lord.


We thank you Lord for all your blessings and ask you to answer all of our requests which we make through Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord. Amen.

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Trusting in God’s love we bring our needs and concerns to Him in prayer.


Let us pray for those who govern our country and for Members of Parliament and unelected advisers who guide and influence government, that they may have the knowledge and understanding to manage the present economic crisis wisely. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all who are affected by the present down turn in the economy, especially those made redundant, the unemployed, the homeless and those burdened by debt, that they may be treated justly by employers and all in authority. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for those in our parish family who reach out to the disadvantaged around us. We think especially of those who go in to visit women prisoners at Eastwood Park Prison, those who visit seafarers at Sharpness Docks and those who visit the sick, the elderly and the housebound; may their love and dedication bring joy into the lives of those they meet and may they be certain in the knowledge that they follow Jesus commandment of love. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Let us pray for those in our parish family who reach out to orphans in Romania, to children and their teachers in Congo and to all who are helped by CAFOD; may their love and dedication inspire us to be generous to the causes that they champion and may they be blessed in the knowledge that they do God’s Will. Lord, make missionaries of us all. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We ask Our Lady to help us with her prayers Hail Mary..

In silence we bring our own requests to God.


We thank you, Lord, for all your blessings and ask you to hear and answer all of our prayers which we make through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


As children of our loving Father let us pray now for the needs of the Church and of the world.


We pray for all married couples in our parish community, that their faithfulness to each other may reflect the eternal faithfulness of Christ to the Church. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all victims of violence and terrorism. We pray for prisoners of conscience, that God will vindicate them and rescue them from their enemies. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick of the parish, for our friends and family members who are ill or distressed. We pray for those who are lonely or depressed, anxious or in debt. May the Lord use us to bring comfort to them, and some relief from affliction. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those preparing to be received into the Church at Easter. May God grant them courage, wisdom and discernment as they seek his will in their lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the children who will soon make their first holy communion, that they will continue to grow strong in faith and stay close to you Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn now to our Lady and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for our own needs to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.


We thank and praise you Father for hearing our prayers, which we make in faith and in the name of your only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God with confidence as we pray.


We pray that all people will find reason to rejoice in the resurrection and in its weekly celebration in Church. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray that those in public life will support the sacredness of Sunday and restrain those elements in our society which seek to make Sunday just the same as any other day. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray that people everywhere will find space for the sacred in their lives and open their hearts to the God who loves them. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for the people of Mozambique who are experiencing so much loss through the great flood. We pray that they may be consoled in their suffering by prompt action by governments in the provision of aid and accommodation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who are sick, may they experience the power of Christ’s healing love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who have died asking the Lord to open to them the gates of heaven and welcome them into his Kingdom. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our Mother, to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…

Let us pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts.


Lord, you know the needs of your people. We bring to your love all those with special needs and desires, particularly those who are near to us, and those who have given up hope in your love. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let us turn to God our creator and sustainer for all our needs.


Let us pray for the Church. May it be like a noble cedar giving shelter and rest to all creation, and in whose shade new ideas and new life may spring into being. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our parish community. May the fellowship in which we live provide fertile ground in which the seeds of God’s love will take root and grow. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our families. May the care and nurture we provide in our families encourage the flourishing of God’s love from generation to generation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all gardeners and all those who cherish the earth. Through their hard work in tending and nourishing the earth from which all bodies spring, the beauty of God’s creation is brought to fulfillment. In their harvest, whether of flowers, strawberries, grapes or tomatoes, may they proclaim your love and glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Our Lady, in whose loving care Our Lord found shelter and comfort, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


God our loving Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time


With our faith nourished by the words of Sacred Scripture, let us voice our needs in prayer to the Lord our God.


We pray that the Church throughout the world may be united in prayer for the ongoing conversion of those who still do not know Christ, and that those who preach and teach the Word of God in our world may boldly proclaim the promise of salvation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

On this day on which we conclude the Jordan Year we pray for the Salvatorians throughout the world that they may be effective in their work of Evangelisation. We also pray that the Church will recognize Father Jordan’s holiness and great vision through Beatification. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for a fuller appreciation of the gift of ministry within the Church and an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for people affected by hatred and racism, especially in Northern Ireland, and that our Christian faith will help us to demonstrate care and compassion for the poor and vulnerable in our society. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all fathers that this Father’s Day may encourage and strengthen them to be faithful in their calling to give themselves in love to their families. (pause)hear our prayer. Lord in your mercy,

We pray that all who have gone before us in death may be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour, to intercede for all God’s people as we pray together Hail Mary…

We now pray quietly for a few moments for our own intentions.


Father, you give us all we need. As you answer these prayers, increase our gratitude and our faith. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Thirteenth Sunday of the Year


We pray for our Holy Father, the Bishops and the clergy, that they may be ever open to the challenges of Christ and be an inspiration to all who look to them for leadership. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that the church may become a community of love where all are welcome and no person feels rejected. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all God’s people who have died with Christ in baptism and for those who journey still in search of truth, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for everyone in our parish community. Inspire them to search for the good in one another and to show the generosity of an open heart towards all who are lonely and in need of company. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who hear the call of Christ. May they receive the strength and courage of the Holy Spirit to take up the challenge of their vocations, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who are in prison, especially the women in Eastwood Park. Despite the loss of their liberty and the many hardships they undergo may they experience the true liberty and peace that comes through faith in Christ and fidelity to his laws, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are sick at home and in hospital. May they experience the power of Jesus’ healing love. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died, especially Martin Scott. May the Lord welcome them into his kingdom of love and peace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour, to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…


Heavenly Father, we thank you for listening to our prayers. You know our needs better that our words can express. Grant what is for our good and your glory through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn now to God our heavenly Father, who created us in his own image and likeness, to hear our prayers:


Father, we pray for the Church, that it may continue to be an active messenger of the Christian faith and make the message of your saving love alive in the world today. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.Lord, we pray for peace, that your Spirit may breathe hope and love upon all the troubled nations of the world to bring an end to all war, hatred, abuse, violence and oppression. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Father, we pray for the people of this parish, that we may all recognise the gifts and talents with which we have been blessed and that we may use them for the good of everyone we meet. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for those who are in need, that we may all share more fairly the abundance you have created and that disease, famine and poverty may be eradicated. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Father, we pray for faith, that we may be strengthened to turn the other cheek to insult, hardship or derision and continue to actively work to spread your Good News and love to all. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray those who have died that they may see your radiant glory and come to live with your Son and the Holy Spirit eternally with you in heaven. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn now to Mary, Help of Christians, and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for a few moments in silence for our private needs and requests.


God our Father, we have lifted up our eyes to the heavens and ask you to hear our prayers which we make in faith and in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn now to God our Heavenly Father, the creator and redeemer of all, to hear our prayers:


Today is Sea Sunday. We pray for fishermen, seafarers, lifeboat crews and all whose work involves them with the sea, as well as those who enjoy the sea for recreation, that the Lord may keep them safe and in his care. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the work of the Apostleship of the Sea, that we may all support them in their work of making visible the care and concern for seafarers who come to our ports and shores. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are separated from their families and loved ones, and those who are on their own, that they may experience the warmth of your loving care and companionship. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our parish, its ministers, people and organisations, that we may all work together and be recognised as your disciples by actively going out living the Good News you gave us as example. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for a better world, that we may share more fairly the abundance you have given, that wealth may be distributed more equally and that we may never take even the most basic things for granted. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for prisoners everywhere, for those who are persecuted and down-trodden, that they may turn to you in hope and that mankind might learn to be more tolerant, fair and just in its dealings with each other. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Our Lady, Star of the Sea, to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for a few moments in quiet reflection.


God our Father, we call on you that you may be near us and hear our prayers and requests which we ask in hope and faithfulness, through Christ your Son. Amen

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We now turn to Christ, the Good Shepherd, who inspires us with faith, hope and love, and ask him to listen to our prayers with compassion and gentleness.


Lord, you are the shepherd who leads all people to the Father. Heal all divisions, bring back all who have fallen by the wayside or struggle with their faith and pour down your Holy Spirit that there may be greater understanding and co-operation between differing faiths. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, we pray for all who work on the land or care for the world you have created. May their talents and labours be rewarded with an abundant harvest and may we all share equally the wealth of your creation. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, we pray for a sense of balance in our lives, that we may find time to rest and pray, as well as to work and play, so that we may be revived in strength and hope in your presence and continue to be fruitful labourers in your vineyard. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, we pray for those whom you have blessed with the skills to care for the sick, to comfort the dying, care for prisoners, to befriend the lonely and those who work with the depressed, desperate and down-trodden. May you continue to bless and guide the work of their hearts and hands. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, we pray for teachers, students and pupils as our schools, colleges and universities conclude another academic year. We pray that they may be rested and refreshed in mind, body and spirit and enabled to use their gifts and talents for the benefit of others. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

Lord, we pray for all who have died and all who mourn. May those who have gone before us experience the joy of your heavenly kingdom and may those who are left be consoled by your tender compassion and love. (pause) Lord hear us; Lord, graciously hear us.

We turn now to Mary, the Mother of our Lord, and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray silently for our private needs and intentions.


God our Father, the loving shepherd of your sheep, hear our prayers and look with kindness and compassion on us and on all who call to you with faith and hope in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year


We pray for the leaders of the Church especially John Paul our Pope and Mervyn our Bishop. May they always lead us and guide us in fidelity to the Gospel. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who experience physical hunger that their brothers and sisters in the human family come to their aid and that governments and the world’s economic institutions work to eliminate famine. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who experience spiritual hunger that they might turn to the Lord and find in him the consolation they yearn for. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those in any kind of need, the poor, the homeless, the exiles, and those who are sick in mind or body. May the Lord, protector of the weak, be their support and source of justice. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died and gone before us in faith. May they experience in all its fulness the power of Christ’s resurrection. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary our Mother to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…


Lord, Deepen the bond of love between us by our sharing in this Eucharist and listen to our prayers for we make them in the name of Jesus, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever, Amen

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world.


Is our world too rich in material “things” and to pour in committed caring? Let us pray for God to make as a channel of his loving kindness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Saint Paul tells us to put on the new self. This demands a true commitment to change. Let us pray to the Lord for the resolution to think this challenge through and make it stick. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

God offers us the bread of eternal life. Let us pray for a moment to think what that means, and for the strength to recommit to it in our lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holidays offer us a chance to step back from our daily lives, period them from different angles and ask God’s help to improve. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We think of the sick and those close to death and we commend them to God’s loving kindness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own personal intentions…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world.


Elijah wished he were dead, yet God gave him the strength, food and water to walk for forty days to Mount Horeb, and carry on from there to become one of God’s greatest prophets. Let us pray for the openness to receive God as he seeks to pour grace into our lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Saint Paul points us in the direction of the daily virtues: being friends, kind and forgiving. Let us pray that the humility, love and perseverance to act on this in our own lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In St John’s Gospel Jesus describes himself as the “living bread”. Let us pray for the wisdom to draw life from this deep and challenging image to rejoice in our fellow Christians and to join together in celebrating your word and proclaiming it around the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us also pray for the courage to live and proclaim God’s Word in our daily lives, at home and at work. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died and particularly for the members of our own families, our parish and our Order. May they rest in peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own personal intentions…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


We turn to God in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world.


God has given us the example of Mary to be the model for all Christians. May we follow her example of obedience and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We are one in the spirit: God has given each of us a soul and his sacraments. Let us pray to be open to his flow of goodness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We are one in the Lord: God has given the world one true Church. Let us ask the Lord for an ever-increasing flow of wisdom and discernment to her bishops. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray that all humanity may join together in the oneness of the Lord and his Word

For the Church’s missionaries around the world, we pray to the Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We think of the sick and those close to death and we commend them to God’s loving kindness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own personal intentions…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world.


The Jews consciously chose to commit themselves to God. This is a big decision, and again a daily decision. Let us pray for the grace to ever renew and strengthen our own commitment to God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Commitment is required in many different ways at each stage of our lives. Let us pray for the serenity and wisdom to make the right choices. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Commitment in marriage is under attack as never before. Let us make Catholic marriage a beacon of love, patience, strength and compassion to the world and let us pray for the strength to uphold it in our lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Commitment to the religious life is another wonderful and difficult thing. Let us pray in gratefulness for all the Salvatorians and their work throughout the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died and particularly for the members of our own families, our parish and our Order. May they rest in peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own personal intentions…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer for our needs and the needs of the world.


St James tells us that all good comes from God, the loving creator of this world. Let us pray for the wisdom to understand this more fully every day. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Goodness and kindness are things that can be passed on without measure. Let us pray for them to flow abundantly in our lives. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Kindness is sometimes hard to accept in this proud world. Let us pray for the humility to accept other people’s kindness with grace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Next month Brother Paul Harris makes his first religious profession. Let us pray for him with all our hearts. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We think of the sick and those close to death and we commend them to God’s loving kindness. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary to pray with us as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own personal intentions…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Just like the friends of the man who was deaf and dumb we do not hesitate to ask God our Father to answer our requests.


We pray for the leaders of the Church. May they be fearless in speaking the truth and give witness in their lives to the words they proclaim. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that our parish community may be drawn closer together in promoting a truly Christian atmosphere among us. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for Christian Missionaries throughout the world that they may be zealous and gentle servants of the Gospel. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all of us here in eucharistic worship. May we have the courage to speak the truth with love and accept criticism honestly. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick, the aged and the housebound especially Tony Grove. May they experience God’s healing power in the love and compassion of those who care for them. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who have died especially the members of our own families and parish. May the Lord welcome them into everlasting life. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our mother, to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…

Let us pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…


Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to lead truly Christian lives. Increase the love of our neighbour in our hearts and keep us ever sensitive to one another’s needs as we live our lives together. We ask you to listen to all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to the Lord who does all things well and ask him to help us in our need.


We pray for all who have dedicated their lives to the church, may the Lord inspire more holy men and women to offer themselves for the priesthood and religious life (pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for the leaders of nations, that they will act justly towards all classes of people and fulfil their promises to the world’s poor. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those in need, especially those who are out of work, those in danger of losing their homes and those whose health is affected by stress and worry. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

We pray for all students as they go back to school or college and for their teachers and carers, may they face the new academic year with renewed enthusiasm and purpose. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

We pray for Brother Paul Harris in this special week when he makes his first profession, that the Lord will give him many graces and blessings during his years of study for the priesthood. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

We ask Our Blessed Lady to support us with her prayers as we say, Hail Mary.

Now, in silence, we think of our own needs and intentions.


Loving Father, hear these prayers and the prayers of our hearts and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God unafraid to ask him for our needs and the needs of the world.


We pray for the Pope, the Bishops and all the Clergy, that their responsibilities to those they serve in God’s name may not weigh too heavily on them, but be a duty of love. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Peace is a continuing theme throughout the Gospel, the peace which comes from opening our hearts both to God and to our fellow men. We pray that God may pour His healing love into our lives, and that the turmoil and strife of this world may not swamp it, but like oil, it may sooth our souls. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Last Sunday our church began the “Whole Community Catechesis”. Let us pray that this innovative approach will show us a new way of thinking and living our faith, strengthening our love of God. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In the Gospel today, we are reminded that it is in serving others that we come closest to God. Let us pray that we, as a community, learn to work together, continue to pray together, and put the needs of others before our own. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for doctors, nurses and all those involved in the care of the sick, thanking God for their healing skills and for the immense service they render to those made vulnerable through pain and illness. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are sick. May they bear their suffering with fortitude, borne up by God’s healing grace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the dead. May the peace of God’s love rest upon them, as they know the unending joy of eternal life. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We offer our prayer to Mary, Queen of Heaven, as we say Hail Mary ….

Let us now pray for a moment in silence.


Loving Father, hear these prayers and the prayers of our hearts and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn now to our loving Father and ask for our needs and the needs of the world.


We pray for our Holy Father and the bishops of the Church, that they will have the courage and strength to respond generously in guiding the faithful under their care. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that as a community, we may base our lives on the mercy and compassion of Christ and not on outward appearances. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for Roger Adlard received into full membership of the Church today, may he continue to grow in faith and love throughout his life. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who respond to God’s call and ask that they may be given the courage and strength to follow in Christ’s footsteps. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all who work on the land, may their labour be blessed by God and may they be given suitable weather for the growth and harvesting of their crops which will provide food for themselves and for others. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick in both mind and body. May they experience the love and compassion of Christ in those who take care of their needs. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died. May they experience the everlasting joy of God’s heavenly kingdom. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We now turn to Our Lady and ask her to intercede on our behalf as we pray, Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…


God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let us turn in prayer to God our Father who watches over his family with loving care.


We pray that all married couples will be so blessed with mutual respect and love that they will lead happy and generous lives. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are trying to preserve their marriage through difficult circumstances, and for those who are separated or divorced. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that all children may grow up in a loving family, and that families may be found for the children waiting to be adopted. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are hoping for the gift of children, for those caring for sick family members, and for those recently bereaved. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the work of CAFOD that, through its service, people in need, all over the world, may experience our solidarity and support. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those of our Parish who are sick, Tony Grove, and Mary Donaldson,

May they experience God’s healing love. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who have recently died, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time, may they rest in peace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, our Mother, to pray with us as we say: Hail Mary

Let us now pray in silence for our own needs and intentions.


God our Father, look with love on families everywhere, may they praise you when they are happy and turn to you in times of sorrow. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God and pray for the wisdom to help us have good priorities in our lives that reflect the teaching of Jesus, and the values of the kingdom of God.


For the Pope, Bishops, Priests and Religious, that having left everything to follow the Lord, they will grow rich in the fruits of the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the poor and those in trouble, that they may find generous friends in the rich and powerful. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

For ourselves, that we may be guided by Gospel teaching in our attitude towards wealth, tempering our need for money and security with a desire to be generous as God commands. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that the tragedy, pain and unjust divisions of the Holy City may soon come to an end. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who are sick, at home and in hospital, may their illness be cured and their spirits strengthened. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray that all those who have died may find the fullness of joy in God’s presence. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We ask the intercession of our Blessed Lady as we say-Hail Mary

Now we pray in the silence of our hearts for our own needs and intentions.


God of love, you are the giver of all good things. Fill us with confidence in you that we may be faithful witnesses to your kingdom. We make all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer and ask him for our needs.


That leaders of nations may seek the guidance of the Lord to better serve their people with integrity and justice. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That the victims of war, poverty or injustice may be assisted and comforted by those who serve in the name of Jesus. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That we see each other as you see us, and so see you as you really are. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That Jesus who sympathises with our weaknesses may grant forgiveness and healing to us all. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That all priests and ministers of the Gospel continue to preach with vigour and honesty to inspire us to turn away from sin to a new life in God’s love. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That all members of our parish who are ill, housebound or bereaved may find true peace and contentment in your boundless love. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We now turn to Our Lady, the Handmaid of the Lord, in prayer as we say : Hail Mary etc.


God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn to God in prayer and ask God for all our needs.


We pray that the Church may faithfully carry out its mission to gather people to God by proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That those in public office recognise their responsibilities to all the citizens of this country, and may they always seek ways of promoting the common good. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That our eyes be opened to see more clearly the dignity of every human life, whether healthy or sick, born or unborn. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That the witness of The Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, whose anniversary we celebrated this week, strengthen our Faith. May we always be inspired by their example and sacrifice. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That those who are sick or housebound be comforted and assured of our ongoing prayers for them. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask God to lead those who have died into his own wonderful light, and in his mercy show them the radiance of his glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We now turn to Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted, and seek her intercession as we pray Hail Mary…

We now turn to God in silent prayer…


God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let us turn now to God in prayer and ask for all our needs.


We pray that we may be constant in keeping God’s commandments and may the desire to serve God be written in our hearts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that our hearts are set on fire with love for Christ, that in its flame, we may love him with all our hearts, all our minds and with all our strength, and by keeping his commandments we may glorify God, the giver of all good gifts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that we may love and serve our neighbours as ourselves, that we notice the needs of others around us more readily, that we are more generous towards them, deepening the spirit of our fellowship and good will. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that we may have the spirit of charity in all our dealings with others, so that your light may shine out in all we do and say. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask intercession of all the Saints as celebrated this week, on the Feast of All Saints, may they help us to open our hearts and minds to prayer, and make us more worthy of our calling. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray and remember, especially during this month, of Holy Souls all the faithful departed, may they be granted eternal rest and peace in the loving presence of God, our Father. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Our Lady, most Holy Queen to intercede for us as we pray Hail Mary..


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of Jesus your Son who is Lord forever and ever. Amen

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let us turn to God and ask him for our needs.


We pray for World peace and a renewed commitment worldwide to work for justice and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray on this Remembrance Sunday for all the victims of war, for all those who have died in conflicts, been injured or traumatised, give thanks for their lives and may they be called into the light of Heaven. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those Countries torn apart by war and hatred, or brutalised by oppression or persecution, that they find the path to peace and harmony. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that the rulers and leaders, especially nations of unrest, serve their people with integrity and justice. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the work of CAFOD and other agencies that work in areas of war and unrest. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all members of our parish, who are sick, lonely or bereaved, may they find strength in their faith. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Our Lady, comforter of the afflicted to pray with us now as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts…


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of Jesus your Son who is Lord forever and ever. Amen

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time


We turn now to God, the light of truth, that he may guide us to the way of Christ and hear our prayers.


We pray that the church may grow and flourish, and God’s love may be bought into places of darkness and offer many the light of hope. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the households of our parish, that they may be guided in everyday decisions and comfort them in times of difficulty, and heighten our awareness of one another’s needs. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray during this month of the Holy Souls, for those who have died, and give thanks for their lives. Give comfort to all those that grieve. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are ill in body, mind or spirit, may they find strength in God’s love and healing. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for global injustices, especially people who are suffering due to destructive conflicts. May their faith give them comfort and hope. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

On Prisoner’s Sunday we pray for prisoners that they may abandon crime and seek

out the light of God’s truth. We pray for their families that they may receive the compassion and support they need and that the wounds of separation imprisonment can bring, will be healed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all victims of crime (pause) that they may find the healing and courage to forgive those who have hurt them and to trust the world again. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn to our blessed lady, comforter of the afflicted to pray with us now as we say Hail Mary.

We pray for a few moments for our own private intentions…


God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

First Sunday of Advent


As we begin Advent let us ask God for His Blessing and for the following needs.


As Advent begins, let us keep Jesus’ command to his disciples, “Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.” Let us pray that we live our lives preparing for Christ’s Birth and for His Second Coming. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

In the First Reading Isaiah says we are the work of God’s hands. Let us pray that we will try to be worthy of our maker and not be rebels against God. (pause)Lord, graciously hear us. Lord, hear us,

Another terrorist attack in Kenya has shown us, once again, how conflict and death and injuries seem to be always with us. Let us pray that Your Peace, Lord, will overcome hostility, war and death. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We should remember, at this time of wind and cold, those who are sick and those who are housebound. Let us pray for them and do all we can to help them. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

St Paul tells the Corinthians he is grateful for all the graces he has received through Jesus Christ. Let us pray that, as St Paul says, He will keep us steady and without blame until the last day. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us ask Jesus’ mother to pray for us. Hail Mary

Let us pray for our own needs in silence.


We ask God to listen to the prayers of his people and to give us His blessing.

Second Sunday of Advent


Let us turn to God for all our needs.


Let us pray for the church, that, during this advent season, it may be a model of holiness, inspiration and life in a world where right values often seem confused and compromised. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our parish. May the fellowship and friendship usually expressed in the sending of Christmas cards, become a source of practical help as we contribute to the reroofing of Father Floribert’s school in the Congo. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

At this dark time of the year, let us pray for all those who cry out of the depths in despair: the sick, the lonely, the homeless, the unloved, the imprisoned, the depressed. May they experience the compassion of Christ and see the hope that is promised in the Christmas message. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for those who have died. As they lived in the hope of Christ, may they now share in the joy of his glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for ourselves. May all the defeats and setbacks and of our daily lives, small and large, be turned around and made sources of life, learning and wisdom. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Mary our Mother to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


God our Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who is our help and compassion and with us in all our needs.

Third Sunday of Advent


We turn to God in prayer to ask for all our needs.


Father, on this Gaudete Sunday, as we wait and prepare joyfully for the coming of your Son, may we sing your praise not only with our lips but also in our lives. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for prisoners and captives wherever they may be. Help them to know your justice, your mercy and your infinite love. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for the lonely, the bereaved and the housebound. May they experience the comfort and solace of your love. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for all those who have lost, or fear losing their jobs. May we remember that in your sight only jobs, not human beings, are made redundant. (pause)Lord, graciously hear us. Lord, hear us,

May Our Lady whose Magnificat we have heard, intercede for us as we say Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own intentions


Father, we ask you to hear and answer all our prayers which we make in faith through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Fourth Sunday of Advent


We turn to God in prayer and ask Him for all of our needs.


We pray for the Church that we, and all God’s people, may grow in faith, in trust and in love as we receive the promise of salvation which was, and is, brought to us in Jesus Christ. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have not heard, or have not understood, the Good News; may we have the strength to live according to the Good News and so bring it to all we meet. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are far from home and for those who, through war or natural disaster, have no home; may they receive help in all their needs and so come to a share of joy. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick of this parish and for our families and friends that they may be healed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As the school holidays approach we pray for families with children; may their time together be a source of great blessing. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, and ask her to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for our own intentions in silence.


Father, we ask you to hear and answer all our prayers which we make in faith through Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord. Amen

Christmas Day


As we celebrate the mystery of the Word made flesh, let us turn to him who became as we are, so that we might become like him, and present Him with all our needs


We pray for the church. May it always shine with the light of goodness and truth, witnessing to your incarnation in a world which often fails to recognise that God is truly with us. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for families everywhere, those together and those separated. May your love and example help us heal our differences and reaffirm our bonds of kinship and love. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those who are alone and feel unloved. May they find compassion and kinship in your universal family (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

Bless, our meals, our gatherings, our celebrations and our songs. In joining in the old Christmas spirit let us find a new song as we continually rediscover your love. Let our voices join with the angels in singing your praise. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for those who have died in the past year. May we remember them fondly reminding ourselves that they are now fully embraced in your love. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.

May Our Lady who welcomed shepherds and angels to the stable, intercede for us as we say Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own intentions


Father, we ask you to hear and answer all our prayers which we make in faith through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Feast of the Holy Family


On this feast of the Holy Family, let us turn to God in prayer to ask for all our needs.


Let us pray for our family the church. May its example and teaching continue to reflect the values of mutual love and support revealed in the image of the Holy Family. (pause) Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

Let us pray for our parish family. May we be sustained by the love of God, be blessed with the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in our dealings with each other. (pause) Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

Let us pray for all parents. Grant them patience, understanding, forgiveness and endurance in their lifelong task of caring for and nurturing their children. (pause) Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

Let us pray for children of all ages. May we accept the good guidance and gifts of unconditional love, care and compassion from our parents, so that we may become mature and virtuous people who share in and spread God’s love throughout the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

Let us pray for the older members of families throughout the world. May they enjoy a fulfilled old age, and be valued for their experience, wisdom and insight, as they take their place at the heart of our community. (pause) Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

May Our Lady intercede for us as we say Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts, let us pray for our own intentions


Father, we ask you to hear and answer all our prayers which we make in faith through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Baptism of the Lord


Jesus is the Father’s beloved Son. Therefore, in his name, we bring our prayers to the Father.


That the Spirit will guide and inspire those who have been called to lead and serve the members of the Church, our bishops, priests, deacons, religious and lay leaders. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Let us pray for peace throughout the world and that politicians and other leaders find alternatives to violence. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That the Lord will hear and answer the prayers of all those who hunger and thirst for justice in our community and in those places where justice does not prevail. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That all those in positions of civil or religious authority will work for the common good and not for personal power or prestige. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

That all those who have suffered the loss of a loved one may find comfort in their faith until the Lord wipes away their tears in their heavenly home. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

Joining our prayers with those of the Mother of Our Lord we say, Hail Mary ….

For all of the intentions which we hold in our hearts and which we recall in silence.


Gracious God, send your Spirit upon all baptised Christians so that they may bear witness to the love of God each and every day of their lives. We ask this in the name of Christ, your Son our Lord. Amen

Epiphany of the Lord


We celebrate Christ, the incarnate wisdom of God, who has come to dwell in our midst. We turn to him in prayer.


Each newborn baby is a miracle. Christ’s coming as a baby was an amazing message of love. We pray that God helps us to keep this sense of wonderment fresh in us as a living force for good in all we do. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

As Christ came to dwell as a newcomer in the world, so have migrants arrived in countries great and small. We pray that the human encounter may open all hearts to your generous saving word. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

As Christ came to dwell in our midst, so too have newcomers in our midst in Thornbury, from elsewhere in England, or from further afield. We pray that we may recognise Christ in them and serve him through them. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We are pilgrims in life, arriving in the cradle, travelling through life until at the end we meet Christ’s holy face. We pray for his companionship as we move on from year to year. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for the leaders of the universal Church: that they may with ever greater wisdom and courage take your Word forward this year. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We turn to Mary, our Mother, and ask her to join her prayers to ours as we say Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for ouur own special intentions…


God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever.

First Sunday of Lent


Father, you do not hold our faults against us but welcome the sinner who turns to you seeking wholeness and forgiveness. We turn now to you in confidence and faith to ask you to listen to our prayers with mercy and compassion.


We pray for this parish gathered here in prayer, that during these weeks of Lenten preparation we may seek to be reconciled to you and to each other and prepare fully to enjoy the glories of Easter. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for a spirit of self-giving, that we may show greater concern for the needs of others, and by our fasting and self-discipline, may we be moved to provide and care for all in need. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who hold positions of authority, that they may be mindful of the needs and dignity of all and work to make our world a place of fairness, honesty and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for a sense of discipline in our lives. As Jesus gave himself willingly to the will of the Father, we pray that during this Lent we may remain faithful to our Lenten promises. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for prisoners, the homeless, the rejected, the down-trodden and for those who feel that nothing matters anymore. Enable each of us to reach out and support all in need by visibly demonstrating the love and peace you brought to the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who suffer illness, the infirm and the dying and those who care for them, that they may find lasting comfort in God’s merciful love. We remember especially those who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, Queen of Peace, to intercede for us and for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for a few moments in silence for our personal intentions.


God our Father, you listen to the prayers of your people in every time and place. We place our trust in you and ask your merciful blessings in the name of Christ Jesus, Your Son. Amen

Second Sunday of Lent


We turn to God our loving Father and ask him for all our needs.


In these times of financial instability, we pray for world leaders, including those in our own Church, that they may use all the resources available to help their countries, but in particular those most seriously affected by matters over which they have little control. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Our hospital workers spend long hours looking after people who are at their most vulnerable through illness and pain. We thank God for their hard-won skills, and for the dedication which they daily show. We pray too for the carers in our community, without whom life for so many who are elderly or suffering from physical or mental infirmity, would be infinitely more difficult and unpleasant. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Our community is helped and protected by the Police, Fire and Ambulance services, people who daily risk danger, injury and abuse in the course of their jobs. We ask that God watches over them, helping their work and keeping them safe. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Marriage, at its best, is a source of mutual love and companionship, yet all married people are at times “out of step”. We pray that God will sustain them with his perfect love, giving them the perseverance to keep going through the darker times, ‘til they come again into the light of friendship. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray, as always, for those among us who are sick, and those who have died. May God hold them all in his immense and loving heart. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We turn with confidence to Mary, Mother of God, as we say Hail Mary ….

Let us pray for a few moments in silence.


God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of Jesus your Son who is Lord forever and ever. Amen

Third Sunday of Lent


We turn to God our heavenly Father, in whose image and likeness we have been created, to ask Him to hear the prayers we now make for ourselves and the needs of others:


Lord, we pray for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict, for clergy and religious everywhere, and all who teach God’s word that they may constantly proclaim your message of hope and the need for repentance and ongoing conversion. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for everyone gathered here and all who seek you with a sincere heart, that during this holy season of preparation we may become more awake to a life in Christ and so seek reconciliation, forgiveness and peace with you and with each other. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for the children of this parish and especially for those on their journey in faith who recently shared the sacrament of reconciliation with you for the first time. Bless them, their families, their friends and all who encourage and guide them as they now prepare for their first Holy Communion. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for all catechumens as they prepare for baptism this Easter, that they may be blessed with a deeper understanding of the Gospel message and be true messengers of your word as they come to share a new life in Christ. We pray too for their families, friends, catechists and ministers. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray for those who serve God through their work with others; for all who care for the sick, provide comfort to the dying and console the bereaved; those who give support to prisoners, the lonely and troubled, that they, and those whom they serve, may experience your forgiveness, love and compassion. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we pray that our Lenten observances and prayers may help us to renew our commitment to the true values in life and grow in humility so that we may actively work to spread your Gospel of repentance, reconciliation and love to all we meet. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We turn now to Our Lady, Help of Christians, and ask for her intercession for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…

Let us now pray for a few moments in silence for ourselves and for those who have asked for our support and prayers.


God, our Father, look with mercy on the prayers of your people who seek to turn away from sin and be more faithful to the Gospel in the name of Jesus, your Son, now and for ever. Amen.

Fourth Sunday of Lent


During this season of Lent, we are invited to be renewed in mind, purified in spirit and more responsive to the needs of others. We turn now to the Lord and ask Him to fill us with grace on our journey of conversion.


Today is Mothering Sunday. We pray for our own mothers and for mothers everywhere and gratefully remember the inspiration, love, care and comfort they have given to us. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray that during these weeks of Lenten preparation we may search for a deeper appreciation of your word in the scriptures and find renewal of our hearts and minds through prayer. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for our catechumens, that their preparations for baptism this Easter may inspire them to be true messengers of the commandments to love you above all else and to love our neighbour as ourselves. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray that the peoples of the world may be enabled to rise above bitterness, injustice and intolerance and work earnestly towards harmony, peace and reconciliation. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for the needs of prisoners, the rejected, the down-trodden, the dispossessed and displaced peoples of the world, that we may pray and work tirelessly for their freedom. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for those who mourn the death of loved ones, and for those who miss the companionship and care of those dear to them. We remember especially those who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.

On this Mothering Sunday, and as we recall yesterday’s feast of the Annunciation, celebrating Mary’s faithful acceptance of the role God had chosen for her, we now ask Mary, the Mother of God, to join our prayers to hers as we say together: Hail Mary…

We now take this opportunity, in silence, to bring our own prayers before the Lord.


Father, you know all our failings and weaknesses. We ask you to listen to our prayers and grant us the strength and energy to be faithful to the mission you have given us. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Fifth Sunday of Lent


We turn to the Lord our God and ask him to listen to all our prayers.


For the whole church of Christ: that it may be seen more clearly as the place of reconciliation: of generous service to the needs of the entire human family. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For the men and women who brought our faith to life and continue to nourish it, parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, priests and bishops, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For our community, that as we struggle to live our lives in the shadow of His Cross, Christ will be our strength and help us to grow in wisdom and in love, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in the world and ask God to move the hearts of those in power to disarm weapons, silence guns, and put out ancient hatreds. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For the sick in mind and in body, and for all who seek healing, in their lives and in their hearts, that in Christ’s name, they be raised to new life, (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who have died in the peace of Christ, that God may call them to the company of all the saints. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour, to add her prayers to ours as we say, Hail Mary…

We pray for a few moments in the silence of our hearts for all our own special intentions.


God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of Jesus your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Palm Sunday


As Jesus enters victoriously into Jerusalem to do His Father’s will, we turn to the Father united with our crucified Saviour and pray:


That the suffering and death of Jesus Christ will strengthen the Church in steadfast holiness and give her new growth. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are to be baptised and received into the Church at the Easter Vigil, that these final days of preparation will be an occasion of transforming grace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That civil authorities will use their power to protect the poor, oppose injustice, preserve freedom and promote lasting peace. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That Christians everywhere will live this Holy Week with special reverence, awareness and devotion. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That God will shelter all persecuted Christians and make their witness effective for all. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That our Lenten discipline will continue to transfigure the way we live in ever deeper conformity to Christ. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us ask Mary to join our prayers with hers as we say, Hail Mary …….

Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer.


Merciful Father, by the Holy Cross of Christ, your Son has redeemed the world. Help us to take up His cross and be united with Jesus in His passion, with Mary His Mother, for Jesus is Our Lord, now and forever. Amen

Easter Sunday


As we celebrate once more the freedom and joy brought about by the Resurrection of Jesus, let us turn with confidence to our Father in heaven:


For the Church. That, in the knowledge of Christ’s triumph over death, we may live our lives in a way that bears witness to our Risen Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are oppressed, that they will be released from the burden of injustice through the power of the resurrection. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those in authority. That they will be open to the guiding spirit of Christ, risen from the dead. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For the newly baptised. That they will find in the Church the meaning and happiness for which they yearn. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For each one of us. That we will be granted the grace to be true to our Catholic faith. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For our clergy. That the event of Easter will strengthen them in their vocation, enabling them to lead us in faith through their words, their actions and their interpretation of Scripture. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We join our prayers with those of Our Lady as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us spend a few moments in silence to offer our own private petitions.


Bless us Father with the assurance of Your Son’s risen presence in our lives, for Jesus is Lord, now and forever. Amen

Second Sunday of Easter

Priest :

We give thanks to the Lord because He is good. Turning in faith to the all merciful Father, we bring our petitions before him:


At some stage on our faith journey we will encounter doubt and uncertainty. May we be strengthened in our faith and persevere through the dark times. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the Church, that it will be of “one heart and mind”, setting an example of openness and generosity, always witnessing the truth of the Gospel. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We are blessed in this country, in that we live in a state of relative peace, yet our armed forces are more active than they have ever been around the world. May those in authority strive to ensure that all peoples are able to live peaceful lives and may we keep in our hearts the soldiers, sailors and airmen who are involved in the conflicts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our own parish community, that it will be a place where the love of God is cherished and readily shared with others. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Our priests, deacons and of course Sr. Josephine do tremendous work not only here in the parish, but further afield too. May they be strengthened on their journey of faith and may we be ever conscious and supportive of their efforts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all Christians who work in areas where the conditions of the poor, the weak, and the women and children are most tragic. That they may be signs of hope, thanks to their courageous testimony to the gospel of solidarity and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us ask Mary to join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary ….

We pray in silence now for our own special needs and intentions..


Loving Father, the resurrection of your Son gives a new birth to a living hope. Let us live that hope always, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third Sunday of Easter


Through the Easter mystery, God has shown that life can come from what we perceive to be the worst of circumstances. Reassured, let us ask him for the things we need:


It is often easy to become absorbed in our day to day activities, whether they are for work or pleasure. They are often necessary and are good for us but let us pray for the grace to recognise the presence of Jesus in everything we do. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the missionary witness of the Church, that all will come to recognise Jesus Christ in the breaking of bread. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Acknowledging that those in national and local government face the challenge of pleasing all of the people all of the time, let us pray that in carrying out their duties, they will show Christian compassion to the poor, the marginalised and the oppressed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Around the world there are people who are intent on exploiting others, whether by physical violence or psychological manipulation. Let us pray that God’s freely available gift of peace will become the single most powerful motivator for everyone. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all farmers. That their labours will deliver abundant harvests and that in these uniquely difficult economic times, the prosperous nations will be sensitive to those who struggle. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for our own parish of Christ the King, that the graces of this Easter season will bless us with new growth in holiness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us ask Mary to join our prayers with hers as we say: Hail Mary …….

We pray in silence now for our own special needs and intentions.


Loving Father, in the resurrection of your beloved Son, you have made known to us the paths of life. Fill us with joy in your presence through Jesus who is Our Lord, now and forever. Amen.

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd, let us come together as His flock and turn in prayer to God, the father of us all.


We pray for the Pope and all the bishops of the church, that they faithfully follow the teachings of Jesus in wisdom and integrity. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our parish, that by the example of it’s continuing witness and devotion to the Gospels it will remain a keystone of our community. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those members of our society who may be suffering in mind or body, that they may experience the comfort and care of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, that the Lord may call more young people to His service to become shepherds of His flock. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died, especially members of our parish community whose anniversaries occur at this time, may they enjoy eternal life in the glory of God’s kingdom. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In this month of May, we especially honour our Lady, Mother of the church and seek her intercession as we pray Hail Mary…

In the silence of our hearts we now pray for our own personal needs and intentions


God our Father, as You care for us with compassion answer our prayers and grant us Your grace through Jesus Christ your son ,the true Shepherd. Amen.

Fifth Sunday of Easter


As we continue this Easter season let us turn to Christ our Risen Lord as together we make our prayer to God the Father of us all.


We pray for the universal church, may it always remain a beacon of hope in an increasingly secular world (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in a troubled world, that all people enjoy security of mind and body, and freedom from anxiety. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the family of parishes in our Diocese of Clifton, may we continue to enjoy the gifts of unity and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray that our love for one another be expressed in our actions of visiting the sick, the housebound and of helping those in need. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for Christian unity, that those who profess to follow Christ’s commands may everywhere be one, so that all people may believe in the love of the Father (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have died, especially those whose anniversaries occur at this time, may they be granted the fullness of life and joy in heaven (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We now turn to Our Lady, Help of Christians, and seek her intercession as we say Hail Mary…

Let us pray for a few moments for our own needs and intentions.


Heavenly Father, the vine grower, we ask that your Spirit may work through us as we seek to harvest much fruit for your kingdom. We make our prayer through your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

Sixth Sunday of Easter


We give thanks to Christ our Lord, who loves and cares for us and turn to Him in trust as we pray.


For the church – that inspired by the Holy Spirit it continues to demonstrate in words and actions the love of Christ to all peoples. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For missionaries – may they be guided by the Holy Spirit as they proclaim the Good News to our brothers and sisters who live in ignorance of His saving love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those Christians persecuted for their faith – may they be comforted in this Easter season by the One who suffered for all on the cross. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

That through the Holy Spirit we are granted the wisdom to follow Christ’s command to love one another and see Him in all the people we meet in our daily lives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

For those who are ill at this time, especially members of our parish – may they experience Christ’s healing love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Next Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Ascension, when Our Lord was taken up to His heavenly kingdom – may we follow where He has led and find hope in His glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We turn to Mary, the Mystical Rose, and seek her intercession as we say Hail Mary

In the silence of our hearts we bring our own needs and intentions to the Lord


Father you sent Jesus to show us how to live and care for each other, accept these prayers we offer in the name of Christ your Son our Lord. Amen

Seventh Sunday of Easter


We put our faith in God’s love for us and confidently pray to him for our needs.


We pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church and on this community, may we always witness to the truth and resist worldly attractions (pause)Lord, graciously hear us. Lord, hear us,

We pray for all leaders and those in positions of power: may the Spirit of truth lead them to act with justice and integrity, and alleviate the suffering of those caught up in conflict. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for ourselves that we may love one another as God commands:, especially any we have hurt or offended, or any who have hurt or offended us. (pause)Lord, graciously hear us. Lord, hear us,

Let us pray for those who are finding life difficult at the moment, for those coping with personal tragedy or mourning, for all who are ill or frail: that God’s spirit, alive in his people, will work his healing love. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We pray for our loved ones who have died: may they enter the Lord’s safekeeping and rest in the peace and joy of heaven. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We ask Our Blessed Lady to support us with her prayers as we say, Hail Mary

In the silence of God’s stillness, we name any we know who especially need our prayers.


Loving Father, we bring you these prayers, help us with what we need and grant us your blessing, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.



The Spirit of God continues to invite us as a people and enables us to pray for the needs of others. Drawn together in love we offer our prayers to the Father


Baptise the whole church with fire, that the divisions may cease and that it may stand before the world as a pillar and buttress of your truth. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Grant us all the fruits of the Holy Spirit : brotherly love, joy, peace, patience, goodwill and faithfulness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

May the Holy Spirit speak by the voice of your servants, here and everywhere, as they preach your word. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Send your Holy Spirit, the comforter, to all who face adversity, or who are the victims of men’s wickedness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

For those who have died, especially those we have known, have mercy on them and bring them to eternal life. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We now turn to Our Lady, Mother of the Church, and seek her intercession as we say Hail Mary…

In the silence of our hearts we pray for our own needs and intentions.


Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit you sent your Son into the world. Through the church may Christ be born again today in the hearts of all people. Grant this through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Trinity Sunday


Let us turn to the Holy Trinity for all our needs.


Let us pray for the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ to inform every aspect of our lives. May we conduct ourselves with dignity and respect, recognising Christ in ourselves and others, and realising that in sharing Christ’s suffering, we are coheirs of God’s glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the love of God in our families. May we value the role each of us plays as we share in the everyday business of family life. Let us realise that living in loving relationship is at the heart of the Trinity and through it we may glimpse the nature of God who sustains us in His love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in this our parish and in all communities in which we share. In this sharing may one community not hesitate to reach out to another, so ultimately we are all embraced in the commonness of our humanity and the love of God. Thus, may all nations become your willing disciples. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Our Lady, the mother of God, in whose life the wisdom of the Trinity was made manifest, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


God our loving Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul


On this feast day of Peter, your custodian, and Paul, your evangelist, let us turn to God for all our needs.


Let us pray for the Church. May we be truly the rock on which your bindings and loosings are made real. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the Pope, Bishops and clergy. May these temporal custodians of the keys to your kingdom be guided by your justice, mercy and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for all prisoners. Help them accept the judgments and patiently endure the punishments they have been given, and guided by your goodness, may they find their freedom in your love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us pray for ourselves. Like Paul, may our lives be a libation, an offering to you in which our talents and abilities are fully exercised. May we too run our races to the finish and so claim the crown of your righteousness. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us turn to Our Lady, the mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…

Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.


God our loving Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Feast of Christ the King


On our Patronal Feast we turn to God with all our needs.


We pray on this our special day, for the deepening of faith amongst Christians, as we celebrate the church’s work throughout the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

On this feast of our parish we pray for the clergy who minister to us, may we be united in the love of Christ our King the Saviour. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for our own community that we may serve Christ in caring for one another and encourage one another in our faith, so the light of Christ may shine in our hearts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those amongst us who are feeling vulnerable, lonely or depressed. May they find through this community celebration a sense of acceptance and respect, which gives hope. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those nations which are experiencing war, terrorism and violence. May they be delivered from such evil and together find the path to peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray on this feast for those in our parish who have died, may they enjoy the eternal peace of heaven. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray to Mary, our mother to intercede for us as we say

Hail Mary..


God our loving Father we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen

Feast of All Saints


Those who seek the face of God shall receive blessings from the Lord: with confidence therefore – we seek our Heavenly Father to ask for his blessing on all those in need.


For the Church: we pray for the church, that it will be constantly regenerated by the holy people of God dedicating their lives to ministry and service. (pause)Lord, graciously hear us. Lord, hear us,

For peace in the world: we pray that the leaders of nations will seek for peace and justice in the world; helping those countries which are in turmoil to find order and stability and allowing them to benefit from their natural resources. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us..

For the needy: let us pray for the poor in spirit, for those who are suffering from illness of mind or body, and for those undergoing persecution, torture or imprisonment; may God use our hands to comfort and care for them. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

For our community: we pray for ourselves that we may be true brothers and sisters in Christ; supporting and encouraging each other in our everyday lives and in the strengthening of our faith. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

For those who have died and their families: the pain of bereavement has touched many in our community, let us ask the Lord to receive their loved ones into the joy and gladness of our heavenly home, and to comfort those who mourn. (pause) Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us.

We ask Our Blessed Lady, Queen of all the Saints, to pray with us as we say, Hail Mary.

Let us pray for a while in silence, remembering our own needs and the needs of our families.


Loving Father, hear the prayers that we make in faith and grant us your blessing. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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