Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
We turn to God in prayer for the needs of the Church and the world.
Let us pray for justice in the world, justice, especially, for the poor and helpless, that we, members of the richer nations, may be generous with all that we have, materially and spiritually. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray that we, as Christians, may show by our example, that religion is a force for good, not evil, in this world, that loving our neighbour, as Christ taught us, is a priority in all our lives. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people of Haiti, following this dreadful earthquake, that they will be helped in coping with their losses, and helped in the rebuidling of their lives, both by God and by humanity. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those working in the emergency services, here during the recent spell of bad weather, and those helping in Haiti and other hazardous parts of the world, thanking God for their dedication and selflessness in the face of personal danger. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Despite the awful things we see daily in new bulletins, our world is very beautiful, something which the silent brightness of the recent snow here has highlighted. Let us thank God for this world, and let us all do what we can to preserve it for following generations. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those we know who are sick, and those who have died, especially in our own community and families. May God bless them, and us. (pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We offer our prayers to God through the intercession of His blessed mother, as we say, Hail Mary…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to allour prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Third Sunday of the Year
We turn to God in prayer for the needs of the Church and the world.
Let us pray for Christian unity. May we remember that all Christians are linked by our belief in Christ the Redeemer, Christ the bearer of our sins, Christ the Son of God. May the doctrinal differences between us be subsumed by our love for Him, and for all our neighbours, that we may love them as we love ourselves. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for unity between nations, that we may work together to improve the lot of poorest amongst us, and remember that much as we may love our individual countries, we are first of all members of humanity, and through Christ, children of God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Marriage too is a union. Let us pray for all those embarking on lives together, that their union may strengthened daily, making one of two, secure in love, respect and friendship. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the people of Haiti, two weeks after their terrible ordeal, that the aid flooding in will be used well and quickly by those charged with helping this afflicted country. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We thank God for the generosity of all who have given charitably to the many appeals for those suffering in our world, following Christ’s instructions to do unto others as you have them do unto you. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
The sick and the dying are part of all our lives. May God give them healing and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Mary, Mother of God as we say, Hail Mary …
Let us now pray for a few moments in silence, for our own intentions…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christ is the Light of the world, it is through Him that we come in prayer to the Father of us all.
We pray for the Pope, the bishops and all the clergy. Grant them the gift of eloquence, that your church may be both courageous and faithful in it’s proclamation of your word. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for our civic leaders and those who govern – may they do so with wisdom and integrity. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for missionaries who work in distant lands to make your word known to all peoples. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for Lewis Linehan (of our parish) in his own personal mission in Tanzania. May your Holy Spirit continue to guide and inspire him in all his work. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are sick at home or in hospital, may they experience your healing love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On Thursday we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, let us now turn to her in love and confidence as we seek her intercession and say : Hail Mary etc.
In the silence of our hearts we pray for own personal needs and intentions.
Father you have called us to follow you. As you hear our prayers make us faithful in responding to your call. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We trust in the Father, our source of help and hope, as we pray to Him in faith and confidence.
May those who govern and lead do so honourably and with honesty and impartiality. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We seek your guidance for the pope and bishops, that through their example and teaching we may grow in love and harmony. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for all who are homeless, open our eyes and our hearts to their suffering and forgive our indifference to the misery around us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Let us pray for the poor, grant us a generosity of spirit and increase our awareness of those most in need (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We pray for our sisters and brothers who may be sick in mind and body, and also for those who care for them. Envelop them in your healing love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
Let us pray for those who have died, may they find their rest and fullness of redemption through your son Jesus Christ. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer
We now turn to Our Blessed Lady, Mother of the Church, and seek her intercession as we say, Hail Mary etc
Let us spend a few moments to pray for our personal needs and petitions.
Father, look with favour on these the prayers of your faithful, renew and enlighten us by your heavenly grace. We make our prayer through our lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
As we pray to you Lord, please grant that you will listen to our requests.
In the first reading we heard how David was merciful to Saul who was in his power. Let us pray that the Lord will help us to be compassionate and considerate in our dealings with other people. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In the Gospel we heard Jesus tell His disciples not to judge or condemn others. Let us pray that God will help us to be more accepting and less judgmental. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On Monday evening there will be a Launch Service for Ecumenical Lent Groups at the Baptist Church at 7.30. Let us pray that Jesus help the service to be successful and continue the work of sharing our faith with other Christians. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday when many people make and eat pancakes. Ash Wednesday follows and we begin Lent. Let us pray that God will help us to remember those who are hungry; and will help us do all we can to alleviate famine and malnutrition, especially during Lent. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Our ministers of Communion meet each week to arrange to take Communion to people who are sick or housebound. Let us pray that Jesus will bless them and help them continue to give care, support and friendship to those in need. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us ask Blessed Mary to pray for us Hail Mary…
Now let us pray silently for our own needs.
We ask you Lord, to listen to our prayers and help us.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God has given us the victory over sin and death. We turn to him with confidence for all our needs and the needs of the church and the world.
We pray that the Pope and the Bishops may be strengthened in their ministry of teaching and leading God’s church and especially that they might have good health into their old age. (Pause) Lord in your mercy-.Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who govern that they will have a special concern to protect the weak, the poor and the most disadvantaged in our world. (Pause) Lord in your mercy-.Hear our prayer.
We pray for the grace to lead better lives, to follow more closely the teaching of Jesus, and to help the needy and the outcast. (Pause) Lord in your mercy-.Hear our prayer.
We pray for the success of our Jubilee Mission. May we all be strengthened in faith and become a more caring community. (Pause) Lord in your mercy-.Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are sick and those recovering from surgery and for all who are enduring any kind of suffering. (Pause) Lord in your mercy-.Hear our prayer.
Let us ask for the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say, Hail Mary.
Now, in silence, we bring our own needs to the Lord.
Heavenly Father, hear our prayer of faith and grant us what we need through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Trusting in God’s love for us, let us bring all our needs to Him in prayer
We pray for peace with justice amongst Palestinians. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for Christians throughout the Middle East that they may be able to live in peace with their neighbours of other faiths. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan; may their actions always pursue peace for those that they seek to defend. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for travellers; may they travel in safety and happily come to their journey’s end. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for fathers; may they have a happy day – a thank you for all the love and care with which they nurture their family. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us renew our devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus remembering that we can trust in Him, in His love, in all, for all, in spite of all, forever. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Renewing our devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we say together, Hail Mary
Now let us pray, in silence, for our own needs and intentions.
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers which we make in faith through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the knowledge of Christ’s presence, let us pray to our Heavenly Father, the God of mercy and love.
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the heart being the symbol of God’s inexhaustible love for us. Last Friday we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart, a heart crowned with thorns illustrating man’s indifference to God’s love and a heart wounded by our sins. We pray that people everywhere may be enlightened to know and to respond to that love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
“Love is not loved” was the cry of St. Francis of Assisi, may the love of God bear fruit in our lives as we joyfully proclaim our faith in Him (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In the workshop, in the market place in our factories and schools, we frequently meet people who have no faith. Lord let the light of your face shine on them so that they may know and love you. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
St. Augustine tells us that our hearts are restless until they rest in God, and in his Confessions he writes. “Too late have I loved you O beauty so ancient and yet so new. I searched for You outside myself and all the time You were within.” Teach us Lord to avoid the distractions of the world around us and thus enable us to seek you more clearly and love you more dearly day by day. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Love comes with a price, in the Gospel reading Christ asks us to take up our cross every day and St. Paul tells us to carry one another’s burdens. We pray now for all who suffer, the sick, the handicapped, the lonely, the depressed, the bereaved. May they know the comfort of Your love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
May the Virgin Mary lead us to a deeper knowledge and love for her son as we say together. Hail Mary…
In the silence of our hearts let us place our own petitions before the throne of our Heavenly Father…
Father with thanks and joy, we offer these prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The love of God in Jesus Christ has redeemed us. He calls us to follow Him and show His love to the world. Let us pray for the grace to follow Him faithfully.
That those who shepherd the holy Church of God may always be guided by the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
That those who lead the peace process in Northern Ireland may be guided by the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
That those who are tormented by grief and hatred may be guided by the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
That those who are poor, needy or homeless may be guided by the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
That this parish and community may be guided by the Holy Spirit (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
That those who have lived guided by your Spirit may come to the joy of the kingdom of God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We ask Our Lady to intercede for us as we say Hail Mary…
We now pray silently for our own intentions.
Lord God by the guidance of your Spirit keep us safe from yielding to self indulgence and make us ever aware of the needs of others, this prayer we make through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Let us turn to God who holds all things in unity for our needs.
Jesus tells us that the law of life is not a legal contract enforced by power, but a union of minds and hearts underwritten by love. In our increasingly litigious society, may God’s spirit steer us through the squalls of the language of rights and responsibilities to a clearer recognition of Christ in our neighbour. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the whole Christian church, the mystical body of Christ. In its institutional and human failings, it is often confused, divided and limited. Through the perfection of Christ, may it, like the sea, be reconciled, united and without boundaries. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer..
Let us pray for all lawyers, that their gifts of erudition and interpretation may be used positively to calm the storms of dispute and open safe channels of communication between neighbours. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On this Apostleship of the Sea Sunday, let us pray for all those who work on the sea, that for all their travels they may still find the safe haven of your Word in their hearts. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Our Lady, Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God our Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers in the name of Jesus your Son in whom all perfection is found.
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Let us turn to God, the source of all wisdom, for all our needs.
At the end of the school year, let us give thanks for the precious gifts of education and learning. May both pupils and teachers enjoy a well-earned rest after their busy year. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all those going on holiday in the next few weeks. May they relax and re-create themselves, returning refreshed and ready for the next year. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Like Mary, teach us to recognise those times when it is the better part to sit and listen. Grant us the wisdom to balance the contemplative and active lives so that our acts are inspired by reflection, and our reflections informed by action and experience. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for ourselves when, like Martha, we are going about our daily business. May we perform our tasks cheerfully and uncomplainingly, remembering that even in the everyday, the mystery of Christ is amongst us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all expectant mothers, whatever their circumstances. May they look forward with joy and anticipation to the birth of their children. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Mary our mother to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God our Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers in the name of Jesus your Son in whom all perfection is found.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Christ our Lord is mindful of all who need him, and does great things for love of them. Let us not be afraid to ask him for all our needs
Lord, we know that the good things we have received have come as a gift from you; may we receive them with thankfulness and learn how to give. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
Saviour and light of all people, keep missionaries in your special care; may the light of your Spirit shine brightly in them. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
You healed the sickness and pain of those who came to you in faith; bring healing and comfort to us. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
Grant that the world may be filled with the knowledge of your truth; help us to carry out all you have called us to do. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
May the Lord give rest to our dear faithful departed and bring them to praise you in eternity. (pause) Lord hear us, Lord graciously hear us.
Let us ask Our Lady to pray for us, Hail Mary…
We now pray silently for our own intentions…
These prayers we make through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confident in Our Lord’s loving kindness, we now offer Him our thoughts and prayers for this day.
We offer our prayers for John Paul, Our Pope, who continues to provide a source of inspiration for millions throughout the world. May he continue to be blessed and lead us in the ways of peace and true faith in God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for our young people returning back to school and colleges. We pray for them, their parents, teachers and helpers as they start a new academic year. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who found it difficult to come to Church today, those who are struggling with their faith, and those who feel that they have many questions unanswered. May they find comfort and support through the gift of the Holy Spirit. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the old, lonely and sick members of our Parish, may they never lose hope and remain comforted by their faith in God and one another. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the many bereaved families in Beslan, Southern Russia, and for those adults and children recovering from injuries and psychological trauma of the school siege. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Finally we pray for those who have died, our friends and relatives and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We make these and all our prayers to God through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, as we say Hail Mary…
We now offer our own private intentions to Our Father…
Lord God, listen to the prayers we make this day, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
With love and faith in God, Our Father, we now offer Him our thoughts and prayers for this day.
For our Church throughout the world, especially in those places where religious freedom is denied or discouraged, we pray for a shared commitment and trust in the faith which we profess and for the spread of the Gospel to those yet to hear it. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
For those who are suffering at the hands of others, for those caught up in wars and bloodshed, for those who are struggling to reconcile the differences between nations, Lord we pray for your help. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
St. Paul reminds us that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”, we take comfort from this message and thank God for this commitment to all His people. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
At times we can all sympathise with the elder brother of the prodigal son, we pray that our own pride and sense of self importance will never get in the way of our understanding of the things that are ultimately most important. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Finally we pray for those who have died, our friends and relatives and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On Wednesday we celebrated the birthday of Mary, our Mother. Mary’s birth heralded the arrival of a new beginning, a new creation, we now pray to Our Lady to intercede for us in our prayers as we say, Hail Mary
We now offer our own private intentions to Our Father…
Lord God, listen to the prayers of your people that we make this day, through your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in ordinary Time
We now turn to our almighty Father in prayer to bring justice to our world, that all people may live in the joy of peace.
For the church, that it continues to fearlessly speak out for just social practices, and remains a beacon for all who seek justice and integrity in their daily lives. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Let us remember the victims of unfair labour practices; particularly those employed in industries that provide us with absurdly cheap goods. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
For all in public office; that by their words and deeds they alleviate the plight of all people that society rejects. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
For our parish; that all projects now being undertaken are completed successfully for the benefit of the whole community. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
For the Society of St. Vincent de Paul whose feast we celebrate on Thursday; that it’s members continue taking the love of Christ to the poor and suffering throughout our country. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We remember all those who have died, in particular members of our family, our friends and our parish; may they enjoy the peace and tranquillity of Christ’s kingdom. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We now turn to Our Lady, Vision of Justice, and seek her help as we say Hail Mary…
We now pray for a few moments for our own needs in the silence of our hearts.
Through our baptism we were made children of light. Hear our prayer O God, that we may always walk in that light and work for justice and truth, through Our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We turn to the Lord in trust and prayer.
We pray for the Church, that her leaders may be faithful to the word of God. That her members may be strong in faith, and that she may be recognised in her love for all. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On Thursday we celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of The Franciscans. Let us pray for all members of religious orders who work tirelessly to bring the good news to our world. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for CAFOD and all aid agencies that their work may help to build a fairer world in which human dignity is respected, and all can reach their full potential. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the sick and housebound in our parish, may they find comfort and healing through the love of Christ, we also pray for those who care for them. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Life was your first gift to us. May all who have died in communion with you find peace and everlasting joy in their heavenly home. (Pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us ask Our Lady Mother of us all to join her prayers with ours as we say Hail Mary…
We pause for a few moments of silent prayer.
Heavenly Father look with favour on our prayers, and grant us your peace and forgiveness. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
We now come humbly before almighty God, to make our requests and petitions to him for all our own needs, and those of the whole world:
We pray for Benedict our Pope: strengthen him in body and spirit so that he may be able to complete the work of his ministry on behalf of the Church upon earth. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray that all who hold and teach the Catholic Faith will keep to the pattern of sound teaching in the Faith handed down from the Apostles, and not stray from the way that leads to salvation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for all in your world who suffer oppression, injustice and tyranny. We pray for all who have suffered violence, especially children and captives. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the work of CAFOD, for all its staff, collaborators and supporters throughout the world that they may be effective in their work to eradicate poverty and bring into being Christ’s Kingdom of love, justice and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people of Zimbabwe: That in this time of extreme hardship and hunger, they may find strength and be encouraged by the warmth of our love, the generosity of our hearts and the support of our actions as they work towards a brighter future. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray that you would increase our faith, and open the eyes of our hearts, to see what hope your call holds for us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We turn now to our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for our own needs and requests to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.
God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We bring all our petitions to God our loving heavenly Father, confident that he always hears his children’s requests:
We pray for all those suffering as a result of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. We pray for an end to violence and kidnapping, and the restoration of peace, freedom, and civil order. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for all the sick, and those confined by age or illness to their homes. We pray for those in our local hospitals, and for all doctors, surgeons, nurses and health workers. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, that those called by God may respond with generosity and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for young people, that they may discover their value as sons and daughters of God, and find their true vocation in life with the guidance of your Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the deceased family members, friends and parishioners that they may come to the heavenly city and final happiness with God forever. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We turn now to our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for our own needs and requests to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.
God our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.
Twenty-ninth Sundfay in Ordinary Time
We call on God our Father to hear our prayers for the Church and the world:
We pray for the rulers of nations, that they will put the will of God above all else, and protect the human rights of the peoples and nations they serve in God’s name.
(pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for all involved in the administration of justice, for all judges, solicitors, lawyers, advocates and learned counsel. May they always strive to apply the principles of the natural moral law to ensure the human dignity of all for the common good.
(pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who are denied justice in this life, and pray for your divine strength and courage to overthrow systematic repression and denial of human rights.
(pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the most troubled places on earth such as Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan. We ask you to send your Spirit of peace to these countries and peoples, and release those imprisoned by fear, hatred and anger.
(pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those addicted to drugs, alcohol and gambling. May your Light banish these false gods and set the prisoners free.
(pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We turn now to our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for our own needs and requests to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.
Lord God, whose name is holy, and whose mercy is proclaimed in every generation, receive your people’s prayer, and let them sing your greatness with never-ending praise. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We call on God our Father to hear our prayers for the Church and the world:
We pray for all who are trapped by poverty, slavery and injustice. We ask the Lord to come quickly to the aid of the humble and downtrodden to rescue them from their distress, and we ask that he may use us to help raise up those who are bowed down. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray that we may not fall into a self-righteous and proud spirit, but instead seek out the company of the humble, the lonely, and those on the margins of society. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are single, that they may find companionship and purpose in life. We pray for single parents and for children in broken homes, that the Holy Spirit may come to comfort them and heal their wounds. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the most troubled places on earth such as Iraq, Afghanistan and the Sudan. We ask you to send your Spirit of peace to these countries and peoples, and release those imprisoned by fear, hatred and anger. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for all sinners that they may have the grace of conversion and new life in the Holy Spirit. We pray we may also repent of our sins of hypocrisy, human respect and superstition. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We turn now to our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary and ask her to intercede for all the wretched and downtrodden of the earth as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for our own needs and requests to the Lord in a time of silent prayer.
Holy God, you raise the lowly and humble in heart, and put down the proud and mighty. Hear our prayers for the poor, the sick and the weak, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
We turn now in faith and confidence to God our Father, who is merciful to all and full of compassion, and offer Him our prayers and .
We pray for the church. Guide the work of Benedict our Pope, the bishops, clergy and ministers and all who proclaim your Gospel, that they may enable and inspire us to be faithful witnesses and worthy of our Christian calling. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for world leaders and all who hold positions of authority. May they be mindful of their responsibilities and the needs and dignity of all and may your Spirit direct them to promote and enable honesty, truth, freedom, peace and justice. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace throughout the world. May peoples be reconciled to each other and fear and terror overturned; may violence and hatred be replaced by harmony and fellowship and killing and torture ended so that all people may be at peace with You and with each other. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for young people everywhere. Guide and direct their thoughts and actions as they work to make sense of the world around them. May they wisely use the gifts and talents you have given and may they enjoy fulfilment and contentment. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who are in need. We remember the unemployed, the homeless, the outcast, the lonely, the rejected, the forgotten, those in prison or captivity and those who struggle to see a way forward in their lives. As you called Zacchaeus, may they too be comforted by the hope and joy that your voice holds. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for the sick, those close to death and those who feel overwhelmed by mental, physical or spiritual pain and suffering. May your tender mercy ease their anguish and bring them comfort. We remember especially all those saints who have gone before us, those who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We now turn to Our Lady, Queen of Peace and ask her to intercede for us as we say together: Hail Mary…
In silence let us now offer our personal petitions to the Lord.
God our Father, hear our prayers and look with kindness on us and on all who call to you with faith and hope in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
We turn to God our heavenly Father who created each of us in his own image and likeness and ask Him to hear the prayers that we now make.
We remember today all those men and women of the navy, army and air force who have served their country and have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, that their giving may not have been in vain. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for all those who currently serve their countries on active service across the world, that the Lord may protect and guide them, that each may act with humanity, dignity and integrity and that their efforts and sacrifice may lead to peace and co-operation among nations. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the victims of war; the homeless, bereaved widows and children, the terrorised, the down-trodden, the injured and the tormented, that they may receive the care and support they need and that the scars of mind, body and soul may in time be healed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for peace throughout the world, that hatred, terror and fear may be overthrown and that we may all be committed to work earnestly for reconciliation and find ways to heal the injustices and inequalities that breed bitterness and conflict. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray that we may be given the courage to stand by our convictions. Like the seven brothers in the Book of Maccabees, help us to be indifferent to our own suffering, in whatever form it takes, and give us the strength to promote and defend your commandments and what we know is right. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for loved ones and friends who have left this world in your friendship and have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, that they may share the light, happiness and peace of your presence and that we who are left may enjoy the comfort your mercy and love provides. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We now turn to Mary, Mother of good counsel and ask her to intercede for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…
Let us now pause for a few moments in silent remembrance.
Almighty Father, we celebrate with joy the triumph of your saints. May their example and prayers give light to our path as we journey through life to your heavenly kingdom. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Bound together in the Spirit of Christ we turn in humble intercession to the Father, mindful of his love and mercy, as we pray for the needs of the whole world.
Today is Prisoners’ Sunday. We remember especially the prisoners within this locality and those in prisons and detention centres elsewhere. May they and their families always be treated with humanity, dignity and compassion. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who visit and minister those in our prisons and detention centres and all who have responsibility or provide support for prisoners. May their Christian example offer them hope, inspiration and comfort. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are discouraged, close to despair or who feel emptiness or lack of direction in their lives. May our prayers and encouragement enable them to turn to you to find true value in their lives. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for victims of crime that they may be healed and able to forgive. We also pray for all who feel afraid and vulnerable that they may recognise the good within others and see you in all that is around them. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace, harmony and respect for each other in Pakistan and other troubled areas of the world. May your Spirit guide the minds and hearts of leaders and statesmen to establish justice, fairness, integrity and good-will. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for that your word may inspire us to have the courage to live out our Christian life to the full. May the strength your Eucharist imparts enable us to bear witness to all we meet as we promote the values of your Gospel. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for the sick, the elderly and the terminally ill. We also remember all who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We now turn to Mary, Mirror of justice, and ask for her intercession as we say together: Hail Mary…
Let us now pray for a few moments in silence before the Lord.
God our Father, we ask you to hear the prayers of your people gathered here in faith and hope and in need of your love and mercy. We ask these and all our prayers through Jesus, who is Lord, now and forever. Amen
First Sunday of Advent
As we enter thisseason of Advent, we pray with confidence in God’s loving mercy, asking him for all our needs
We pray for Pope Benedict, Bishop Declan, Priests and religious everywhere that they guide and lead our Church to faithfully prepare for the coming of Jesus at this time of year. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for those wishing to bring peace to our world, for members of our Armed Services facing challenges at home and abroad, for Government Leaders, Politicians and Policy Makers. May they be guided by the work of the Holy Spirit. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for those who are yet to recognise the presence of Jesus in their lives and those with doubts in their faith and in themselves. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for an increase in the love and way of life that we show and bring to this world. We pray for those who work at sea and for all who welcome seafarers through the Apostleship of the Sea. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for the lonely, the bereaved, the handicapped, and the isolated. May the message of love warmth and understanding that Christ brings provide comfort at a time of need. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
Finally we pray for all who have died and those whose anniversary occurs at this time, especially our families, friends and former parishioners. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We now turn to Mary, the mother of our God, to intercede for us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary…
We now pray silently for our own private intentions
(Please remain at the lectern whilst the Priest concludes with the following prayer).
Lord Our God, help us to love you above all things with a love that is worthy of you. Look kindly on the prayers of your people made this day through your son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Second Sunday of Advent
As we move ever closer to Christmas, ready to celebrate Christ’s arrival on this earth, let us look to Him in hope and bring our petitions before Him:
For our Parish community: that God who has begun the good work of drawing us together in faith, will continue to bring it to completion this advent. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For those in public office: that they will work diligently for the cause of righteousness, freedom and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For children who are and have been subjected to abuse and for their families: that they will receive the love and support they need, as they endeavour to cope with their ordeals. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For our clergy: that they will continue to be sustained by their prayers and reading and by the support of the parish around them. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For each one of us: that we will be open to the grace that will enable us to live the coming week in the knowledge of God’s will. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us ask Mary to join our prayers with hers as we say, Hail Mary …….
Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer.
Loving Father, fill us this advent with the affection of Christ Jesus so that we will become ever closer to you and each other. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Third Sunday of Advent
As we continue thisseason of Advent and look forward to the celebration of the infant birth, we pray with confidence in God’s loving mercy, asking him for all our needs
We pray for a spirit of contentment in our lives and the happiness of knowing and believing that through our baptism we are a chosen people of God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those striving for an inner peace, for those caught up in life’s struggles, and for those pressured by the expectations of others. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are sick, for those in hospital and those at home. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the Faith and Light community, both in our Parish and Diocese and for all who care for them. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those most vulnerable in our society, for the exploited, for the weak. We pray especially for the women murdered recently in Ipswich and for their families and loved ones. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Finally we pray for all who have died recently, for those who have died suddenly and for those whose anniversary occurs at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We now turn to Mary, the mother of our God, to intercede for us in our prayers as we say Hail Mary…
We now pray silently for our own private intentions
(Please remain at the lectern whilst the Priest concludes with the following prayer).
Lord Our God, help us to know and love you and live by your Good News. Look kindly on the prayers of we make this day through your son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
As we strive to do God’s will, let us in faith ask for His help and support:
For this world of ours. We are relatively comfortable and with some exceptions, we are looking forward to the Christmas celebrations. Let us remember those who are not so well off and do whatever we can to live the Christian message for them. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
For all world leaders: that they will be able to turn away from self interest and work tirelessly for the needs of the people they serve. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
For children: that they be given a Christmas full of love and respect. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
For the Church: that it will inspire our young people to recognise and heed God’s call to positions of leadership within our faith community. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
For those who are isolated and lonely: that they will be consoled by the presence of Jesus whose love will provide strength and comfort. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
For each one of us: that as we draw ever closer to the wonderful celebration of Christmas, the gift that is Our Lord will be manifest in all that we do. (pause) Lord in your Mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us ask Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, to pray on our behalf as we say: Hail Mary …….
Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer.
(Please remain at the lectern until Father has said the following prayer).
Loving Father, what faith Elizabeth had! May we experience her joy and happiness as we grow in faith and let the Holy Spirit take control of our lives. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Christmas Day
On this glorious celebration of Christmas, let us bring our petitions before God, in the full knowledge that He wants want is best for us:
For our priests: Let us give thanks that they have followed their vocations and ask that they will be sustained as they work to bring alive the presence of Jesus. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For our government and royal family: that they will be blessed this Christmas time and strengthened as they lead this nation in the ways of peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For families: that through faith in God they will be drawn together in renewed expressions of love and belonging. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For those who are working this Christmas: as we enjoy our holiday break, let us be mindful of all those who are employed to keep us safe and those who are tasked with keeping the machinery of our society functioning (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For the poor, homeless and needy: that Jesus, who came into this world destitute and marginalised, will give them the comfort they need as they struggle to survive their ordeals (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For each one of us: that we will take into 2010 the joy, charity and faithfulness of this Christmas, with a sense of belonging and unity that is the Christian message. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us ask Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, to pray on our behalf as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer.
Loving Father, in faith we pray that you will graciously hear and grant our prayers, and we ask this through your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Second Sunday after Christmas
“The Word was made Flesh and lived among us”, as we continue to celebrate the birth of Our Lord, Jesus, let us pray to Him and to God, Our Father, for all our needs.
Lord, we pray for our Church Leaders, our Pope, Bishops and Priests everywhere that they continue to be inspired by the wisdom of your love and lead us faithfully in the year ahead. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for ourselves too and we thank you for the many blessings that we have been given this Christmas time. May the misery of our Monday morning, soon give way to the knowledge of your love and care for us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray especially at this time of year for members of our families and friends who are no longer with us. Their parting from us is hard to bear, but we look forward to the day when we, like them, will be united with you once more. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for all those who need our prayers throughout the world. We pray particularly for those who have suffered as a result of the earthquake in Iran. May they find hope and comfort. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Finally Lord, we pray for all our young people and adults who will be returning to schools, colleges and universities next week. May their coming year be filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and may they be safe and do well in all that they do. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We now ask Mary, Our Mother, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
We now pray silently to God for our own private intentions ……..
Father, we ask you to hear the prayers that we make in faith and grant us your blessing, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
The Holy Family
We come together as God’s family and pray that we will be strengthened and renewed through the grace of Christ’s body and blood:
For family members who are estranged or alienated: that the Lord will work in them, allowing healing and reconciliation to take place. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For those charged with protecting society: that they will work towards a world in which family life is protected, promoted and respected. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For all families: that the love and unity of the Holy family will be an inspiration to each one of us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For families that struggle each day, whether through a lack of money or sickness or any ongoing trial: that they will recognise the love and support that comes from Jesus and be strengthened in that knowledge. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For each one of us: that we will recognise and acknowledge our place in the Church family and play our part to make this special community the family that it is. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us ask Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, to pray on our behalf as we say: Hail Mary …….
Let us spend a few moments in silent prayer.
(Please remain at the lectern until Father has said the following prayer).
Loving Father, bless us with your love and let the peace of your Christ control our hearts. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Baptism of the Lord
We turn to God in prayer for the needs of the Church and the world.
We pray for the Church, her clergy and her people, that we may proudly acknowledge the daily commitment we have to our faith to others, while showing tolerance to those who choose to worship God in ways different from our own. (pause) Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Let us remember in our prayers those who are studying for the priesthood, especially our own Brother Paul, that their love of God and His people remains ardent and their dedication to religious life strong. (pause) Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all those in our community who are alone, especially in these cold wintry days. Let us keep them in mind and offer help where we can, remembering that a chat, kindness and general interest can make a huge difference to most people. (pause) Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray for married couples, that God may give them tolerance, understanding and continuing love. (pause) Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray, as always, for those who are sick, especially those in our own community and family, that they may know God’s healing strength and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
We pray also for those who have died, especially Mimi Todd who died yesterday at the age of 103. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen
We turn with love to Mary, God’s holy mother, as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us now pray silently for our own intentions…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to allour prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
The Epiphany of the Lord
God our Father, you listen to the prayers of your people in every time and place. We place our trust in you and ask your merciful blessings as we pray for the needs of your church and the world.
We pray for the church that bishops, priests, religious and laity may manifest the light of Christ’s love to the world and that we may work in the vineyard of the Lord and enable people around us to come to their own Epiphany. (pause) Lord in your love and mercy, Hear our prayer.
In considering our New Year’s resolutions CAFOD challenges each of us to reflect on our lifestyles and move to live more simply, sustainably and to continue to challenge poverty. Help us to rise to this challenge and to make a real difference in our lives. (pause) Lord in your love and mercy, Hear our prayer.
The Bishops of England and Wales have asked that this year we focus on “making the home a holy place”. We pray that our homes may be places of welcome to all and that the work of whole community catechesis may continue to flourish. (pause) Lord in your love and mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the nations of the world. In these times of conflict, discord and disagreement we remember the simplicity of the infant Jesus who came to serve. Grant that world leaders, and all in authority, may work together for justice, peace and that all may be treated with fairness, consideration and respect. (pause)Hear our prayer. Lord in your love and mercy,
We pray that the gifts and talents we have each been given may be used wisely and unreservedly for the good of all in order to sustain each other on our pilgrimage through life. (pause) Lord in your love and mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time, together with all who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. We pray for those who mourn because of the death of loved ones, and for those who miss the companionship and care of those dear to them. (pause) Lord in your love and mercy, Hear our prayer.
We ask Our Blessed Lady to intercede for us and for all God’s people, living and dead, as we say together: Hail Mary…
In silence we now offer our own petitions to the Lord.
God our Father, you have made manifest your Son, Jesus Christ to be the light of all peoples. We pray that his wonderful light will strengthen us in faith, in hope and in love. Amen
First Sunday of Lent
As we begin our Lenten journey let us bring our needs and the needs of the world before the Father.
We pray that through the ministry of the Church, people of all nations will hear the Good News and will come to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray that governments may foster justice and peace among their peoples so that human rights and freedoms may be respected everywhere. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the gift of discernment, that we may come to know the needs of the disadvantaged, and for the courage to alleviate their problems whenever opportunities arise. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are imprisoned or persecuted for their faith, that by the Father’s love and our care they may find healing and strength. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
On this first Sunday of Lent let us acknowledge all our sins and ask the Father to grant us his forgiveness and to reconcile us to the teachings of his Son manifest in the Gospels. . (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all who have died. We especially think of Father Aelred whose funeral takes place (in Wotton) next Tuesday. May they be purified and blessed with the eternal vision of God. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
In love we turn to Mary, Queen of Heaven, and with faith seek her intercession as we say, Hail Mary…
In the silence of our hearts we pray for our own personal intentions.
Father, our source of strength, hear our prayers and grant all our needs in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord. Amen
Second Sunday of Lent
The Lord is our light and our help-let us call on him for our needs and the needs of the world.
Let us pray that the church will be as full of faith as was Abraham who put his trust in the Lord: may the church be vigilant and courageous in upholding the Christian faith and promoting Christian principles. (Pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Let us pray for the leaders of nations as they formulate their strategies, that peace may be foremost in their minds; and we pray for the peoples who are displaced from their homes and lands that they will find a safe refuge. (Pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
St Paul exhorts his friends to follow his rule of life – let us pray that encouraged by this holy season we will lift our minds above earthly things and be strong in keeping our Lenten observances. (Pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
We pray for those in trouble: the poor, the sick, those facing redundancy; may we be alert to their needs and generous in our service towards them. (Pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
Let us pray for the children making their First Confession next Saturday, may it be an occasion of grace and encouragement for them and for their parents and teachers. (Pause) Lord, hear us. Lord, graciously hear us.
We ask for the intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say Hail Mary…
Let us pray for a while in silence for our own needs and intentions.
Heavenly Father, in your goodness, listen to our petitions and answer our prayer of faith. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Third Sunday of Lent
The Lord is compassion and love, he is well aware of the sufferings of humanity – let us make known our needs to him and ask for his help.
Let us pray that throughout this holy season of Lent we may all try to please God by repentance and prayer and by helping one another. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those troubled by the slavery of the past, and for those people who, nowadays, in different parts of the world, are held captive by those who employ them. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those taking part in the Lent groups and our parishioners making the retreat later this week, that they may enrich their spiritual lives and strengthen the bonds of fellowship in the community. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray that our homes, schools and youth organisations may reflect God’s compassion and love -so that our young people will grow up to be happy and confident and eager to help anyone in need. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those who have died that they may be freed from their sins and welcomed into the joys of heaven with all the saints. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We ask Our Blessed Lady to support us with her prayers as we say: Hail Mary.
Now, in silence, we make our personal requests to the Lord, or think of anyone close to us who needs our prayers.
Merciful Father, hear these prayers and the prayers of our heart and grant that what we ask in faith we may obtain through Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
God sets us free from our terrors and rescues us from distress – let us call on him to aid us in our present needs.
We pray for all Bishops, priests, deacons and religious as they carry out the nurturing role of the church; we think of teachers, missionaries, organisations like CAFOD, and the church’s Children’s Societies who help those most in need. (Pause)Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
We pray for the leaders of nations, particularly those discussing with their neighbours how to bring an end to violence: may they earnestly seek for peace and stability. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
We pray for the rejected and alienated of our society, that God’s love, working in us, may find ways of reconciling them and welcoming them back. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all mothers: may the Lord bless them with wisdom, patience and kindliness so that children will grow up in love and security, and homes will be places of peace and joy. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have died that they may rest in peace, and may those who mourn be comforted by happy memories and the love of their families and friends. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
We turn to Mary, the Mother of God, and ask for her prayers as we say; Hail Mary…
In silence, we pray for our own needs and intentions.
Loving Father, listen to our prayers of faith and grant us what we need, through Jesus Christ, your Son, Amen.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Lord worked marvels for the Israelites – he delivered them from their bondage – let us ask him to free us from our worries and needs.
We rejoice in Christ’s complete forgiveness of our past sins: let us pray that we can forgive others and make a new start in our lives. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for the strength to strive for perfection by offering up our discomforts and disappointments to the suffering Christ, by continuing to keep our Lenten resolutions and by receiving the sacrament of reconciliation. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for those preparing the Holy Week liturgies, for those who will be cleaning and beautifying the church and for those who will be received into the church at Easter: that our ceremonies will reflect the wonder and joy of the Easter message. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
We pray for all who are sick, at home or in hospital, for the elderly and housebound, and for those weighed down with cares: that they will know Christ’s healing power and will receive the support and comfort they need from their brothers and sisters in the human family. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy. -Hear our prayer.
Let us ask Our Blessed Lady to pray with us as we say: Hail Mary…
Now we make our own prayers in silence.
Merciful Father, grant us what we ask in faith and give us your blessing, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Palm Sunday
We turn to God in prayer and ask him for all our needs.
As young Christians step forth into this harsh world, may Christ’s love be their beacon, and his commitment their strength. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
As we gather our strength to celebrate this Holy Week, we ask God to give us strength to love and wisdom in going forward. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
As Christians round the world reflect and pray during this special week, we pray for greater compassion and solidarity. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour to join her prayers to ours as we say, Hail Mary…
We pray for a few moments in silence for our own special intentions…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Maundy Thursday
We turn to God in prayer and ask him for all our needs.
For the unity of Christians: In this week when we are all focussing on the last days of Jesus on earth, we pray that our common heritage may draw all Christians closer together in love and understanding. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For peace in the Holy Land: As we recall that the last scenes of Jesus’ life were enacted on the very soil which is now a battlefield, we pray for an end to conflict and suffering among the people of the Holy Land. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For a spirit of service: Let us pray for a deeper commitment to service to each other and to the poor and needy. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For a renewed devotion to the Holy Eucharist: We pray that we will deepen our reverence and devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and that our Eucharistic ministers may be strengthened in their ministry to the parish, and to the sick and the dying. (Pause) Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For healing: Let us pray for those in our parish who are sick, at home or in hospital, that God’s healing power may sustain them and make them whole. (Pause)hear our prayer. Lord, in your mercy,
Let us ask our Blessed Lady to pray for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Easter Sunday
We turn to God in prayer and ask him for all our needs.
The risen Lord is the light of the world; may his light shine into the lives of all young people to make their tomorrows purer and more caring. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
In our parish, may the beacon-fire of Christ’s love fill our lives and shine out to all whom we touch. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray that Christ will pour the light of his love and acceptance into the hearts of people all over the world that they work together for his kingdom. (pause)Hear our prayer Lord in your mercy,
We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour to join her prayers to ours as we say, Hail Mary…
We pray for a few moments in silence for our own special intentions…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Second Sunday of Easter
We are Easter people celebrating the glory of the risen Christ and proclaiming to the whole world His triumph over death. Let us now pray for the church and the needs of the world he died to save.
We pray for the church on this Divine Mercy Sunday. May the church truly be a light radiating in the darkness and a faithful herald of the Easter message so that all may experience the healing presence and mercy of the Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who lead and govern the nations of this world. May your Holy Spirit guide them to be wise in their judgements and honest in all that they do, so that fear, hatred, injustice, terror and oppression may end. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace in a troubled world. May the death and resurrection of the Lord inspire nations to turn swords into ploughshares, to find ways to end war and conflict and to live together in harmony and co-operation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for everyone gathered here in this place. May we have the courage and faith like the disciples of your early church to put aside fear and be active in our daily lives as witnesses to your commandment to love one another always. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those whose faith is lost, tested and for those who fear they may lose it. May the Lord reveal his mysteries to them that they may doubt no more and in the breaking of bread together may we too recognise the true path of salvation. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have died and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May the light of the risen Christ draw them to him, that there sins may be forgiven and eternal peace be theirs in His presence. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray together with Mary, Mother of the risen Lord, as we say: Hail Mary…
Let us pray for a moment in the silence of our hearts.
Heavenly Father, by the death and resurrection of Christ the world is reconciled to you. We pray that through your divine mercy we may enjoy the peace of your kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Third Sunday of Easter
We turn to God in prayer and ask him for all our needs.
We thank the Lord, for the gift of the young people among us; may they go forth and carry his light into the world of tomorrow. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We pray for Christians and all who love God around the world, we ask for unity in his love, his community, his teaching and his sacraments. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
For all held captive in prisons of bricks and mortar, prisons of disability, prisons of history, hate and discrimination, we pray that the Lord will give them courage and hope. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We ask Mary, Mother of the Saviour to join her prayers to ours as we say, Hail Mary…
We pray for a few moments in silence for our own special intentions…
God, our loving Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers because we make them in faith and in the name of your Son Jesus who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Today we celebrate Christ as the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep and rose triumphant to lead us along the right path. Let us now pray for the needs of the church and of the world.
Let us pray for the Church which has Christ for its shepherd. May the Holy Spirit guide Pope Benedict during these days of scandal and pain to act firmly, wisely and with compassion, especially to those who have suffered abuse, those who have felt ignored, disbelieved or betrayed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for world leaders and those who govern. May they live and rule with honesty and integrity and so overturn fear and terror; bring harmony where there is violence and hatred and enable peace to flourish. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for priests everywhere in this year dedicated to prayer for their intentions. We pray that Christ the Good Shepherd may be their guide and inspiration so that their witness to the gospel may encourage each of us to live in faith, hope and love with each other. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for vocations to the priestly and religious life. May those you call to work as labourers in your vineyard respond selflessly and, through prayer and guidance, discern how to devote their lives, skills and talents to the service and proclamation of your word. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for parishioners, friends and family who are ill, the infirm and the dying, that in celebrating the death and resurrection of your Son, they may find courage, perseverance and calm. We also remember those who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray through the intercession of Mary, Seat of Wisdom, as we say: Hail Mary…
In silent prayer we now remember our personal intentions.
Father, you call each of us to serve you with joy and faithfulness. Hear the prayers of your people and lead us to the springs of eternal salvation. We ask this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Let us turn to God for all our needs
In this Easter season, let us pray for fresh heart so that like the disciples we may persevere in the faith and find true freedom in your love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all who mourn. Let them find comfort knowing God’s promise that He will wipe away all tears as creation is made new. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Give us the strength and courage to obey your commandment: Love one another. Help us to fulfill your commandment, undeterred by diffidence or embarrassment. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all those suffering darkness and depression. Give them the courage to face their problems, knowing your love is there to catch us as we fall. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us pray for all our young people especially those starting SATS exams next week. May your spirit inspire them to work hard and may they reap their just rewards. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Our Lady, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God our Father, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Let us pray, in union with our risen Lord, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Counsellor, for the needs of our parish, the whole Church, and the world:
For all who hold authority in this world and in the Church, that the Holy Spirit may guide them into the ways of justice, peace and truth, for the good of all people everywhere. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
For all politicians involved in the General Election campaign, that they may speak out truthfully and fearlessly, and also for all electors, that they may weigh their words in wisdom. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
For all those whose hearts are troubled, through hunger, fear, poverty, sickness or loneliness, or for whatever reason, that the love of Christ may make its home in them and fill them with all peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
For the whole creation, men, women, children, plants, animals and the wonders of the universe, that we may all in our various ways give glory and praise to God who creates and sustains us. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
For those who till the earth and those who fish in the oceans to bring food to the world, and for all whose hand is open to give bread to the hungry, that all may enjoy the fruits of the earth. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us ask Mary our mother in faith to help us with our prayer as we say Hail Mary……
In the time of silence, we mention to the Lord our own needs and intentions.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have sent the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us. May we be more and more open to his kind inspiration, and follow his direction in our lives. Amen
Pentecost Sunday
Let us turn to God for all our needs
Let us pray for our community, that we may receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Grant us especially the spirit of fortitude needed to do good and resist evil. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for counsellors, therapists, doctors, clergy and all who advise and assist the troubled and perplexed. May your spirit of good counsel help them to guide their clients prudently, to heal them mentally, and to assist their growth toward spiritual maturity. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the universal church: May she always keep alive that spirit of true piety and holiness, which is grounded in your justice, compassion and peace. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We thank you for the gifts of language, conversation and communication, especially in our multilingual parish family. May all who work and speak in your service be filled with awe and wonder in the Lord and, in their different ways, bring joy and hope to all they meet. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
As the examination season reaches its climax, we pray for those involved in ‘A’ levels and university examinations: May your spirit of knowledge, understanding and wisdom bring them and all of us true success, by degrees or otherwise, now and in the future. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Our Lady, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God our father, the spirit of all, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Trinity Sunday
Let us pray to the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus, the Son
Today an the feast of the Holy Trinity, we pay God the homage of our intellects.. acknowledging the limits of our human wisdom in the face of the infinite wisdom of our Heavenly Father. May we never cease to warship You with humility and Love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We worship the Father who created the world and all within it. We worship the Son, our redeemer and Saviour. We warship the Holy Spirit. God living within us. Three Divine persons-all one and the same God. Grant us the grace to kneel in awesome wonder as we contemplate this mystery. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
On Thursday of the this week we will be celebrating another great mystery of our Faith—Corpus Christi. Jesus hiding His Divinity and humanity under– the veil of ordinary bread and wine. May we never cease to receive him in Holy Communion with devotion and love. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
St. Paul tells us that we can look forward to God’s glory because of our Faith in Jesus. ‘This faith gives us the hope that all will be well in the future. We pray that we may be patient in suffering ..knowing full well that when we trust in God we will not be disappointed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for peace in our world., especially we think of Iraq an the verge of self government. We pray for victims of terrorism—those who die and those who are injured and bereaved. We pray for a just resolution of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, We pray that people everywhere may recognise that we are all brothers and sisters and that You are the Father of us all. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the young people of our parish who will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion this week, that they remain ever faithful to the Gospel of Christ. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us ask now far the Intercession of Our Blessed Lady as we say together. Hall Mary…
We will pause now for a few moments of silent prayer.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers in the name of your son.. Jesus Christ our Lord..
The Ascension of the Lord
Let us turn to God for all our needs
Let us pray for each other that we may be granted the ‘spirit and wisdom …of what is revealed’ and come to a fuller knowledge and deeper understanding of our faith in the Risen and Glorified Lord. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for all those searching for a path and a vocation in life, whether religious or secular. May they see ‘what hope his call holds’. Teach us all to value spiritual riches over temporal distractions when making life choices: (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Inspired by Christ and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, the church fights for the soul of Europe and of the world. Let Christian rulers and those in positions of authority recognize that the New Law of our glorified Lord is far above ‘every Sovereignty, Authority, Power or Domination’. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray for the poor, the oppressed, those in prison and all who bear their present sufferings with patience and fortitude. Help them remain strong in their faith, console and comfort them now, and keep alive in their hearts the hope of your glory for the future. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
The examination season continues with Key Stage 2 and AS levels this week. May everyone who is tested, in whatever way, realize that all earthly successes and failures are lifted to a new advanced level by the Father of glory. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Let us turn to Our Lady, to intercede for us as we say, Hail Mary…
Let us pray for our own intentions in silence.
God the Father of glory, we pray that you will accept these prayers through the grace of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Feast of Corpus Christi
In faith we bring our requests to God in prayer.
We pray for the members of this parish of Christ the King and especially for those who made their first Holy Communion yesterday that we may always reverence the Holy Eucharist and stay faithful members of your Church. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who have fallen away from the practice of their religion that their faith may be renewed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who live in poverty that the leaders of rich nations may fulfil their promises of aid to the poorest nations of the world. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for those who are sick in mind or body that they may be healed. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the return of Madeleine McCann to her family; may she be found safe and well. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the dying and for those from this parish who have died recently. (pause) Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Let us ask Our Lady to join her prayers with ours as we say: Hail Mary…..
Now let us bring our own needs to God in silence.
Father, we ask you to listen to all our prayers which we make through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
Feast of Christ the King
Let us turn now to God our Almighty and merciful father, who sent his only Son to be our saviour, that he might look with favour on these prayers of his people.
Lord, we pray especially, on this our patronal feast of Christ the King, for this parish, her people and her ministers, that we may each be inspired to follow more closely the example of your Son and promote justice, hope and love to all without exception. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Father, we pray for the youth of this parish, that you may guide them on their journey through life and that they may become influential messengers of your Gospel of faith, hope and love to all they meet. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray that our homes, school and this church may be a community united in our love of God and living examples of the Gospel. Help us to work in collaboration, to support one another and to respect each other’s points of view as we labour together in your vineyard. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Father, we pray especially today for those in prison. Give them understanding to recognise the hurt, damage and suffering they have caused to their victims, themselves and their families. Help each of us to build a society where forgiveness, rehabilitation and concern overcomes greed, ignorance and inhumanity. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Lord, we pray for all who, for whatever reasons, are driven to a life of dependence on drugs or alcohol and for those who feel that nothing in their life matters anymore. Help us to reach out to them by offering practical support, care and our prayers. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Father, we pray for those who suffer illness, the infirm and the dying, that in celebrating the death and resurrection of your Son, they may find courage, perseverance and calmness. We also remember those who have died recently and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. (pause) Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We pray to Our Lady, the Mother of our Saviour, as we say together: Hail Mary…
In the silence of our hearts, let us offer to the Lord our own personal intentions.
Father you have given us life that we may become ambassadors for Christ to proclaim your name in word and action. Listen to our prayers and grant us strength to be faithful to the mission you have given us. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.