Baptism of the Lord (C)



The Baptism of Jesus is one of the most important events recorded in the New Testament. May we, like Jesus, be open to the Spirit as we make our prayers to God our Father.      


Let us pray for the Church: may she always remain open to the power and promptings of the Holy Spirit. Through her closeness to the person of Christ, may she remain special to the Father:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

    We pray for the world’s leaders who are always in need of our prayers and support. May they strive for a world free of tyranny, deceit and injustice, a world in which hunger and homelessness are no more:  (pause)  … Lord hear us.

    We remember the Jewish people, the people of God’s favour and promise: we ask that they may live in true peace and harmony with all nations, especially with their immediate neighbours. May those working for peace not be deflected from their course by those who would try to sabotage their efforts:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

    May the members of this community renew their baptismal commitment through the power of the Holy Spirit and so be filled with joy and hope: (pause) … Lord hear us.

    We pray with Mary, Mother of the Lord, as we say together: Hail Mary…etc.

    Aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our midst, we make our own prayers to God in silence.


    Lord God, you have shown us your favour by calling us to share the life of Jesus your Son. Help us to be faithful to your call by preparing the ways of justice and peace for all the peoples of the world. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Baptism of the Lord

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