Our Lord teaches us that we are to love God, and our neighbour as ourselves. We turn in loving prayer to the Lord and ask for the grace to fulfil this greatest commandment of all.
Let us pray for the Church: May she reflect the love of her Lord by her unselfish love, not only for her own followers, but for everyone in our world: (pause … ) Lord hear us.
We pray for peace in the world: we pray that all peoples and nations may learn the ways of peace by living in mutual trust and harmony, something which is ultimately founded on love: (pause … ) Lord hear us.
For those who experience loneliness, especially those who have no one who loves them: may those who are shut in on themselves open their hearts to the Lord’s abiding presence. May they find the courage to reach out to others in their search for friendship: (pause … ) Lord hear us.
We pray for a deeper love of God in the community: may we know God by loving him, love him by knowing him and give him our hearts in complete service: (pause … ) Lord hear us.
We make our prayers with Mary whose love of God was both unique and profound, as we say: Hail Mary … etc.
We pray in silence for our own needs to God our Father, who truly loves us.
God our Father, may the prayers we have made be answered by you in your love for us, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A