Almighty Father, you have created all men and women in your own image and likeness. As we pray for the needs of the Church and the world, we pray for all those people who do not yet know you, that they may come to recognise you as the one true God and Father.
The task of proclaiming the Gospel is one of the primary tasks of the Church: Pope, bishops, priests, and people. We pray that we may be given the grace to faithfully proclaim the joy of knowing Christ: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray for our parish: may we demonstrate our faith, not only by our words and actions, but by our love, our concern, and our perseverance in hope: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Let us remember all those confined to home because of age and sickness: may they make a conscious decision to unite their sufferings with those of Jesus Christ offering them up for the work of missionaries, thus uniting themselves in a unique way with the missionary work of the Church. (pause) … Lord hear us.
May all Christian parents lead their children to a deep personal love of Jesus Christ. May they inspire in them a desire to stand up for their faith and a wish to share that faith with others: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Let us pray with Mary, Mother of the Missionary Church, as we pray together: Hail Mary … etc.
Let us pray in silence for our own personal intentions.
Heavenly Father, we cannot see the day when your Son, Jesus Christ, will be known and loved throughout the world, however, we ask you to make us strong in his love today so that his Body may be strong and may grow towards the day of his coming to claim the world as his own. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Home Mission Sunday