Third Sunday of Easter (B)



Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, took away the sins of the world. In his name, we pray to God our Father for all the needs of our Church and world.      


Let us pray for the Church in her ministry of forgiveness: may she continue to heal those whose spirits are broken and bring them the true peace of the Risen Lord as she forgives sins in his name:  (pause)  …  Lord Hear us.

We pray for the governments of the world in their search for peace: may the Easter message of the Risen Jesus resound throughout the world so that non-violence is seen as the only philosophy by which our world can survive: (pause)  …  Lord Hear us.

For the industries of this country: may all those who work in them be properly rewarded and enjoy the fruits of their labour: (pause)  …  Lord Hear us.

Let us pray for a spirit of forgiveness within the community: may the sign of peace between us during Mass show that we forgive others their failings as the Lord forgives us ours:  (pause)  …  Lord Hear us.

We pray with Mary, Mother of mercy, as we pray once again: Hail Mary … etc.

Let us pray in silence to God our Father for our own intentions.


God our Father, we make our prayers to you, confident that you forgive our sins and are the source and cause of our peace. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third Sunday in Easter Time – Year B

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