Third Sunday in Lent (B)



Lent challenges us with the pain of the Cross and restores us with the joy of Easter. Let us pray to God our Father for the graces necessary for a deeper understanding of Calvary. 


Let us pray for the Church: may she, by her example and teaching, bear witness to the truth that all suffering is swallowed up in the Resurrection and that the Cross is the symbol of our living faith:  (pause) … Lord hear us.

We pray for the leaders of the world: may they never inflict unnecessary suffering on weaker peoples and nations, but seek the ways of peace and justice as the foundation of future stability and harmony:  (pause)  … Lord hear us.

For the underprivileged of our world: may we be one with them in our prayers and material aid to lighten their burden and encourage them by our compassion:  (pause) … Lord hear us.

Let us pray for those recently deceased and those who mourn their loss: may we be certain in our faith that death is the gateway to eternal life: (pause) … Lord hear us.

Let us pray with Mary, the Mother of Sorrows: Hail Mary … etc.

We make our personal prayers to God, who alone gives meaning to suffering in our lives.


God our Father may the light of the Resurrection of your Son light up the dark moments of our lives and assure us of life after death. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third Sunday in Lent – Year B

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