God our Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to cleanse the world of the leprosy of sin. Let us ask the Lord to renew his cleansing power in the world.
- We pray for those who have the responsibility of governing: may they always exercise concern for those who cannot represent themselves. May their legislation seek always to avoid discrimination against minorities: (pause) .. Lord hear us
- May those who work in the health and caring services exercise special concern for the young, the elderly, the infirm and those suffering terminal diseases: (pause) … Lord hear us.
- Let us pray for all who experience neglect, exclusion or abandonment: may they find the necessary help in gaining confidence in their own value and beliefs: (pause) … Lord hear us.
- We pray for ourselves: may our hearts continue to be touched by other’s needs. May fear not inhibit us from reaching out: (pause) … Lord hear us.
- We pray with Mary, comforter of those who suffer. as we say: Hail Mary …
- We pray for our own petitions, especially for healing.
Loving Father, you gave us your only Son to heal us of our many flaws and hurts. May our celebration of this Mass renew his life within us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B