Through Christ, our model of prayer and suffering, we make our petitions to God our Father for all the needs of our Church and world.
Let us pray for the Church and all her members: may she continue to pray without ceasing in the midst of trials and tribulations, conscious that the Spirit of her Risen Lord is always with her. Lord hear us.
We pray for all those who work for the protection of human rights: may all Christians proclaim that basic human freedom is due to the fact that we are made in God’s image and likeness. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for the salvation of the world: may those who suffer in the name of Christ be given strength and courage to stand firm in their faith. Lord hear us.
For the spiritual renewal of our community: may we all be open to the Holy Spirit who alone can renew us and teach us to pray in praise and thanksgiving for all the Lord has done for us. Lord hear us.
In union with our Blessed Lady, we pray together: Hail Mary …
In the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray for our own special intentions.
God our Father, may all our prayers and sufferings come before you as a sign of the offering of ourselves to you for the good and the salvation of the world for which you gave your life. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Seventh Sunday in Easter Time – Year A