There are a variety of gifts, but always the same Spirit; different ways of serving but always the same Lord. As members of Christ’s Body, we give thanks that each of us has a part to play in the Church.
We pray that the gift of the ordained priesthood and the permanent diaconate may be received by some among us. Through them, may the Lord continue to nourish the lives of his people: (pause) … Lord hear us.
May the Holy Spirit move many to devote themselves to living the Gospel through community and consecrated life. We pray that the calling of the religious sister or brother may continue to be a powerful witness to Christ who came to serve and not to be served: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We remember all those who are preparing for the priesthood and religious life in our seminaries and in religious communities. May our prayers assist them in discerning the will of God in their lives: (pause) … Lord hear us.
May those among us who are called to be husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, be confirmed in their vocation and know the fidelity of God’s spirit in their joys and in their sorrows. May parents be aware of their role in helping their children to be open to the vocation of priesthood and religious life: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Mary, guided by the Holy Spirit, brought the Son of God into the world. We ask her to support us in our calling to bring Christ to the world today. With her, we pray: Hail Mary … etc.
In a few moments of silence now, we acknowledge God’s Spirit within us, confident that he is aware of all our needs
Father of life, as you created us out of nothing, we remember that we are the work of your hands. Renew us in the image and likeness of Jesus your Son who, in the Spirit, we proclaim as Lord for ever and ever. Amen.