Gathered as one body in Christ, we give thanks to God for calling us to be his holy people. Conscious of the needs of the Church and the world, let us pray to God our Father.
We pray for the Universal Church, united in Jesus Christ: guided by our Holy Father and our Bishop, may our lives be one of service to the world. May we proclaim God’s love, not only by word, but also by our action. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for the leaders of every nation and community: may all governments reflect the values of responsible caring, compassion, and integrity so that the dignity of every human life is respected and upheld. Lord hear us.
Let us remember all young people in our parish: may their gifts and talents be a source of hope and new life for the Church in our age, that we may continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Lord hear us.
We pray for all those who seek to protect the rights of others. Today we think especially of those who seek to uphold the rights of unborn children, the disabled and those who are terminally ill. May the light of Christ guide and uphold them especially in time of difficulty and despair. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for all who, for whatever reason, suffer pain in mind or body: may their suffering lead them into a deeper faith, and may that faith give them hope, courage and perseverance. Lord hear us.
May Mary, Mother of the Church, join her prayers with ours as we pray: Hail Mary … etc.
In silence, now, let us offer our own personal petitions to the Father.
God our Father, may your will be done in our lives through the prayers we have made to you. We make these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child – White Flower Appeal