For Queen Elizabeth II




Today we continue to join with all Parishes and Communities in offering our Prayers to Almighty God for the Queen, our new King and Queen Consort and all members of the Royal Family. May the Lord receive her soul into his loving memory.


Almighty God, You are the author and sustainer of all human life; grant that your servant, Elizabeth our Queen, whom you granted a long and happy reign as Monarch of these lands may be forgiven her sins and rewarded with that eternal life promised to all those born again in the water of baptism and power of your Spirit. (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Almighty God, source of all consolation, we pray for the members of the Royal Family who mourn the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Uphold them in your love and pour out on them the consolation of your healing Spirit. Let them find in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ comfort in their sadness, certainty in their doubt and courage to live through this hour. (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

O God, to whom every human power is subject, Grant to your servant His Majesty the King wisdom in the exercise of his high office, so that, always revering to you and striving to please you, he may constantly secure and preserve for the people entrusted to his care the freedom that comes from unity and peace. (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray with Mary, Mother of the Lord: Hail Mary … etc.

In silence, we make our own prayers to God the Father.


Dear Lord, we ask you to listen to these and all our prayers which we make in faith through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord

Eternal rest, grant to her O Lord, and let Perpetual light shine upon her.

May she rest in peace. Amen.

May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

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