First Sunday in Lent (B)



Through Baptism, we share the life of the Risen Lord, and the season of Lent reminds us of our need to readjust our vision of what the Christian life really means. We pray to God our Father for the grace to follow his Son more closely.


Let us pray for the Church: through the waters of Baptism, may she continue to lead her members beyond the false standards of a selfish and materialistic world:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for the leaders of our country: may they proclaim true Christian standards and values so that the people they lead may be encouraged and supported in the practice of their faith:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For all those who are persecuted for the faith they profess: may they be renewed in faith and love so that, enduring all things patiently, they may continue to proclaim Jesus as Lord:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Let us pray for all baptised Christians, especially the members of this community: may we recall our own baptism so effectively that our lives of prayer and penance this Lent will flow from an awareness of our new life as Christians:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We make our prayers with Mary, Mother of our Lord.

In silence, we make our petitions to our Father, who has chosen us in Christ.


God our Father, you saved us through the waters of baptism. We offer our new life of grace to you this Lent in humble service and dedication. We do this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

First Sunday in Lent – Year B

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