Fifth Sunday of Easter (B)



Through the grace of Baptism, we became the branches of which Christ is the vine. May we be one with him as we make our prayers to God our Father for all the needs of our Church and world.        


Let us pray for the Church: may she remain close to the Lord and, by her generous interpretation of his mercy, may she open the channels of his grace for the world:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for a spirit of trust among the leaders of our society: may they understand that human society demands a spirit of goodwill among all sections of the community. May that community consider no one as second class:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For those oppressed by famine or national disaster: that all Christians may open their hearts and resources to them. As Christ the vine gives of himself to all the branches, may we recognise the distressed as our brothers and sisters in the one human family:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Let us pray for farmers and all who earn their living from the land: may the harvest be fruitful and may they see their produce as a blessing from the Lord:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray with Mary who was always at one with her Son as we pray:        Hail Mary … etc.

We make our own prayers in silence, and in union with our Risen Lord.


God our Father, we trust that you will answer our prayers because, as the branches are one with the vine, so are we united with you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fifth Sunday in Easter Time – Year B

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