God our Father wants our conversion, which means a change of heart. We pray to him this Lent for all the graces necessary for our life as full Christians.
Let us pray for the leaders of the Church: through their proclamation of Christ’s saving Gospel, may all Christians realise that death to selfishness is a pre-condition of living the life of grace: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray for the leaders of government: may they appreciate that unless they share with others less fortunate than themselves, our world will never know peace and harmony: (pause) … Lord hear us.
For those who suffer hardship: that they may see their difficulties as the grain of mustard seed dying in order to produce the new life of hope and trust in Christ: (pause) … Lord hear us.
Let us pray for all Christians, especially the members of our own community: may they understand in faith that Christian happiness can be born out of pain suffered in union with God’s plan: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We make our prayer with Mary who knew the meaning of sorrow as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.
We pray in silence for our own intentions.
God our Father, give us the grace to understand that it is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fifth Sunday of Lent – Year B