Easter Sunday (A)



This is the day the Lord has made when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Let us turn to God our Father in prayer to ask him, through our Risen Lord, to give us all the graces necessary to be witnesses to the power of the Resurrection.


We pray for the Church, the Body of Christ: may she preach Christ’s resurrection as her own triumph over sin, death and the world and thus proclaim the victory by which Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father: (pause) … Lord Hear us.

For the leaders of our government: may they bring the hope of the resurrection to all the people of this land and seek peace and harmony in industry and in all areas of public life: (pause) … Lord Hear us.

Let us pray for the underprivileged and those in distress: May their sorrow and hardship be turned into joy and may all Christians, through the power of the resurrection strive to provide hope for their future: (pause) … Lord Hear us.

We pray for the sick and the dying: that they may see their suffering as an invitation by Christ himself to share in his glory: (pause) … Lord Hear us.

We make our prayers with Mary in her Easter joy as we say: Hail Mary…

We pray in silence for our own intentions, in and through the power of the Risen Lord.


God our Father, hear the prayers we offer with all our hearts so that the message of Easter may be with us always. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday

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