6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)



As God’s people, chosen in Christ, we turn to him as our Father to ask him to hear our prayers for all the needs of our Church and world.


We pray for all members of Christ’s Church: may each one see that the one law which must be kept is the love of God and of neighbour. May we realise that without it, all other laws have little meaning:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Let us pray for all those who make and interpret the laws of our land: may they come to reflect God’s law as revealed to us in the life and death of Jesus Christ. May they seek to establish harmony in our society by respecting the rights of the individual and the community:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For all those nations and individuals who are led by prejudice and hatred into war and strife: may the strength and gentleness of Christ our Saviour bring about a profound change of heart. May they come to realise that they way of violence and force is not God’s way of resolving human differences:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray that we may be continually led into a greater awareness of our Christian vocation: may the growth of God’s love in us help us to keep his commandments and through it, may we find a happiness that the world cannot give: (pause) .. Lord hear us

We join our prayers with Mary, Mother of our Lord, as we say:  Hail Mary … etc.

In silence now, we bring before the Lord our own intentions.


God our Father, we place our prayers before you, knowing that they will be heard and answered, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

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