5th Sunday in Lent (A)



God our Father has given us all, through Christ, a share in the power of his resurrection. We turn to him in prayer, who is the source of all life and goodness.


We pray for the Church, the Body of Christ: may she continue to proclaim, in season and out of season, the saving power of Christ’s resurrection, by which we are raised from the death of sin to the new life of grace: (pause)  … Lord hear us.

For those who hold public office: may they appreciate the passing value of the things of this world and realise the immortal destiny of each person, a destiny won for us by Christ’s saving death and resurrection:  (pause) … Lord hear us.

May those who suffer and are in sorrow believe that through faith, all suffering borne for Christ’s sake, is taken up into his resurrection. May we never lose sight of the fact that the Cross is buried in the glory of the empty tomb: (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for all Christians everywhere: may we die to selfishness every day and be united with Christ, who gave himself up for us on the Cross so that he might be our new life:  (pause)  … Lord hear us.

We pray with Mary, who stood by her Son’s Cross, as we say: Hail Mary ….

We make our personal petitions in silence to God who has the power to save us.


God our Father, your Son is our resurrection and our life. May we live the new life of grace which has been won for us by his death and resurrection.  We make these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

5th Sunday in Lent – Year A

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