God is with us through his Son, Jesus, and through that same Son we are united with God our Father. On this, the final Sunday before Christmas, we pray for an awareness of what Christ’s presence means for us.
Let us pray for the Church: may all her members realise that they are called to holiness of life in Christ, something which means being fully human and fully alive: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray for civil authorities: may they, like Saint Joseph, master any fear which prevents them from carrying out God’s will. May they be given the assurance that, in sincerely striving for the good of all, God is with them: (pause) .. Lord hear us.
For those who look after the needy: that they may see in them the abiding presence of Christ. May they know that whatever they do for the least of humankind, they do for God’s only Son: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray for the people of our parish: may we be people of faith and trust in God. May we always remain steadfast, especially in times of trial and difficulty: (pause) … Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, who played such a vital role in God’s plan for humanity, as we pray together: Hail Mary … etc.
Aware of God’s abiding presence, we make our own petitions in silence.
God our Father, you are always with us. Teach us to live our live in faith and trust so that, like Mary and Joseph, we may grow to fullness of life. We make these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fourth Sunday in Advent – Year A