3rd Sunday of Advent (A)



Christ is the one for whom we are preparing. Let us pray to our heavenly Father to guide us in our preparations as we wait patiently for the Lord’s coming.


Let us pray for the members of the Church and for all people of goodwill: may hope keep them joyful when all does not go well. May the faith of Christians everywhere shine forth as a beacon of salvation and true happiness:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for those in government: may they have the courage and conviction to witness to Christian principles and beliefs however misunderstood and unpopular this may make them:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For prisoners of conscience the world over: may they, like John the Baptist who died for his beliefs, recognise that their suffering is a witness to Christ’s second coming:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

Let us pray for all Christian communities as they prepare for Christmas: may they be filled with joy as they realise that their waiting for Christ’s second coming is nearly over:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We make our prayer with Mary who prepared for the birth of our Saviour with great excitement and anticipation, as we say: Hail Mary … etc.

We pray to God our Father as we make our personal petitions in silence.


God our Father, may we experience the joy of Christmas in our daily lives, especially in times of trial, knowing that you are always near. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Third Sunday of Advent – Year A

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