3rd Sunday in Lent (A)



During Lent, which is a time for the renewal of our baptismal life, let us pray to the Lord that we, who have been baptised with water and the Holy Spirit, may call, with confidence, on his name.


We pray for the Church: that all Christians may come to an appreciation of the value of their calling to share the life of grace which Jesus Christ brings us through his suffering, death and resurrection. May each day see them renewing their baptismal commitment by the way they live:  (pause)  … Lord hear us.

Let us pray for governments the world over: may Christian principles always be their guide and inspiration. May none of those who they are in power to serve want for justice and peace:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For all humanity: may the waters of baptism flow out to everyone and transform the desert of their lives into fruitful vineyards in which God’s love and mercy may flourish:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for the community here present: may we, as a new creation through baptism, be so open to the Spirit that those with whom we come into contact may truly be touched by Christ’s power over sin, death and the world: (pause) ….. Lord hear us.

We make our prayers with Mary, Mother of the Church, as we say: Hail Mary…etc.

We pray in silence for a few moments to God our Father for our own personal intentions.


God our Father, we thank you that, through Baptism, you have given us the new life of grace. From today and onwards, may we re-dedicate ourselves to you. We make these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.

3rd Sunday in Lent – Year A

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