We are called through our Baptism to work for the good of God’s kingdom. Let us pray to the Lord for his grace, that we may use all our talents well in his service.
Let us pray for our Holy Father and bishops everywhere: that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit and continue to build up the unity of the Church. Lord hear us.
We pray for all specially gifted people in society: may they use their gifts, whether that be music, art, poetry, writing and the like, in order to raise our thoughts to the Lord. Lord hear us.
For the older members of the Christian family, especially those in our families and in our parish: may all realise the value of their contribution to the health and well-being of the Body of Christ. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for all who have died, especially those loved ones we remember during the month of November: may they now be enjoying peace and happiness in the company of all the saints. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen of all Saints, as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.
We pray in silence for our own petitions to God who knows and loves us.
Heavenly Father, you love each one with a perfect love. You have endowed each one of us with gifts in order to help us to do your will on earth. Give us the grace to use them well and praise you all our days. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A