31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)



God wills the salvation of all people, and it was for this purpose that he sent his only Son into the world. Let us pray to the Lord to pour out on the world the graces that Christ has won.


We pray for the mission of the Church: may she continue the work of her Lord of bringing his saving message to the world. May she continue to proclaim God’s eternal love and mercy for everyone: Lord hear us

Let us pray for justice in industry: may neither employer nor employee seek to profit at each other’s expense. May the goal of all sides be to work in harmony for the good of everyone: Lord hear us.

For those who have never heard of Christ: may we help them through our spiritual support to draw closer to Christ so that, like Zacchaeus, they may invite the Lord into their homes and into their hearts: Lord hear us

We pray for a greater sense of the universality of the Church: may we never see the Church as being confined to our own area. May we widen our vision to see it as a vast growing body of believers whose Christian message is for the whole world: Lord hear us.

We pray with Mary, who made a home for her Son, as we say together:     Hail Mary …etc.

We pray in silence for our own petitions to God our loving Father.


God our Father, because of your loving care, you give us your saving help as we place these and all our prayers before you. This we do through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C

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