2nd Sunday in Lent (A)



Today we reflect on the glory of the Transfiguration. Let us pray to God our Father for the grace and strength to be responsive to his call.      


Let us pray for the Church and all her members: may many more individuals be ready to leave all things for the sake of the gospel. Through them may the power of God shine out in the world as it did through Jesus in his Transfiguration:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

We pray for the leaders of our society: may they never lose the confidence that God is with them at all times when they are sincerely striving for the good of those who have placed their trust in them. May they lead with wisdom and integrity:  (pause)  …  Lord hear us.

For those who find difficulty in standing up for their faith: may they not succumb to fear but have the confidence of their convictions. May the saving power of the gospel be evident in the example they give:  (pause)  … Lord hear us           

Let us pray for the members of our community: through the trials we meet in our everyday lives, may we come to a deeper appreciation that the Christian way of following the Lord is our only path to real glory and happiness: (Pause) … Lord hear us.

We make our prayers with Mary, who shared both her Son’s sorrows and joys, as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.

We pray in silence for our own personal intentions.


God our Father, you called Abraham to be an example of faith for us and you glorified your Son, Jesus. May we live in the knowledge and certainty that you are always with us. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Second Sunday in Lent – Year A

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