15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)



In the parable of the Sower, Jesus tells us that faith is like a seed which grows to full maturity and health when it falls on rich soil. We make our prayer to God our Father, now, in the full knowledge that, if we are open to receive, he will prepare us and all his children to receive his word into our hearts.


Let us pray for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life: may many more young men and women be responsive to God’s call. May his invitation to be priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters, monks, and nuns, fall on hearts that are rich with love and enthusiasm: (pause) … Lord hear us.

We pray for those in charge of the world’s economy: let them always be conscious of the world’s hungry and, by their laws, seek to help the poor rather that further enrich the privileged: (pause) … Lord hear us.

For a good harvest for farmers: let their work on the land be made fruitful so that they provide food for the people and let them bless the Lord for his unending goodness to them: (pause) … Lord hear us.

Let us pray for a growth of faith in the community: let every situation and experience of joy and sorrow be a means of deepening our Christian faith and commitment to the person of Jesus Christ: (pause) … Lord hear us.

Mary was one whose faith and confidence in the Providence of God grew constantly throughout her life and with her we pray: Hail Mary … etc.

We pray in the silence of a living faith for our own intentions.


God our Father, you gave us the gift of faith and we pray for your Spirit. May our faith grow stronger and more committed each day. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

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