As brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ through the sacrament of Baptism, we make our prayers to God our Father, in the full knowledge and confidence that he hears and answers us.
We pray for the Church in those places where she suffers persecution: may she be a powerful witness to the Gospel. May we, by our prayers and unity of spirit, help to sustain those imprisoned for their faith. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for those in government: may they share the burdens of their people and seek justice for all by establishing a way of life in which all can live in freedom of spirit. Lord hear us.
For those who find life a burden and a cross: that they may find renewed strength and courage to continue their Christian pilgrimage, knowing that the Lord is with them at all times. Lord hear us.
We pray for Christians everywhere: that they may walk in the light of the Resurrection and be assured that all suffering in Christ’s name is taken up into his glory. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, the Help of Christians, as we say together: Hail Mary…etc
We pray in silence for our own petitions in a spirit of humble acceptance of God’s will
God our Father, we are at one with your Son in our sufferings. May we also be at one with you in glory. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A