Let us pray in love and confidence to God our Father for all the graces needed by ourselves and our world, conscious that our Lord tells us that we have nothing to fear of what he might ask of us.
Let us pray for all who preach the Word of God: may God’s love overflow from their hearts and be ever on their lips so that their congregations may be filled with the love of God, which casts out all fear. Lord hear us.
We pray for those working for peace in the world: let their honesty of purpose and loving dedication dispel the distrust, fear and greed which lead to so much conflict in our world and in our communities. Lord hear us.
For those who work with the terminally ill: may they counsel with understanding those who are afraid of death and help them to achieve peace and serenity. Lord hear us.
Let us pray for all Christians: may they never fear God as guilty slaves anticipating their master’s punishment, but strive, with all due respect, never to drift away from his love. Lord hear us.
We pray with Mary, Mother of God, as we say together: Hail Mary … etc.
We make our own prayers in silence to God our Father who loves us dearly.
God our Father, we make our prayers to you confident that you will fill us with your love, that love which dispels all fear. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A