Family Fast Day
Holy Cross &
Christ the King

Our Harvest appeal
CAFOD’s Harvest Family Fast Day

CAFOD’s Harvest Family Fast Day is on Friday 6th October. It’s an opportunity for us this Harvest to eat simply, to pray and to give what we can in solidarity with our global family.


Your support will give more families like Meera's the tools and training they need to fight the climate crisis and also ensures that CAFOD responds to needs swiftly in the future.


You can use the CAFOD envelope to Gift Aid your donation, which boosts your donation by 25 per cent.

CAFOD stands alongside partner organizations and local churches in their work to bring relief and support to so many people around the world when a disaster strikes.

Watch Meera's story

Dr Nasha’s mobile medical clinic in Pakistan is one example of this support. Last year, when flooding hit the country, the team travelled across hundreds of miles to treat people who needed medical help in the aftermath.

When her team arrived in Meera’s village, after it had been destroyed by the flooding, she rushed to the clinic to get her children the life-saving medicine and treatment they needed. Meera’s baby, Marwi, is now a healthy one-year old. Together, she and her husband have re-built their home and are working to recover what they lost in the floods.

The QR code on the envelope is also an easy way to jump to the CAFOD website to donate online and find out more about Meera’s story.

Thank you for all your support, for your generosity and your prayers. Please take an envelope on the way out of Mass.

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